Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Has your life been affected by cancer?

Portsmouth Macmillan Library Service Coffee Morning
Venue: 'Info Pod' Central Library
Date and time: Wednesday 8 January at 10.30am  

Why not join our monthly coffee morning on the second Wednesday of every month at the Central library, Portsmouth at 10.30am

Get support, share concerns or find information in an informal and relaxed setting.

For more information, please contact: suzanne.phillips@portsmouthcc.gov.uk 
or call 023 92 688259.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Seasons Greetings

Seasonal best wishes from the Communities Engagement Team at Portsmouth City Council
- Happy Holidays and wishing you a prosperous 2014.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Teen Reading Group At Southsea Library

First Wednesday of every month 4.45 - 5.45pm 

If you enjoy reading and sharing ideas about books then this is the group for you! 
It’s a chance to talk about books with other likeminded young people in a fun, informal atmosphere. 
Be the first to see the new Teen Books too! 

Refreshments, books and friendly company provided. 

To join the group contact Linda Collins :
or call 023 9268 8144 / 0796 096 0585

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Reducing the Strength

As part of a new initiative 'Reducing the Strength', Portsmouth off-licences are being asked by Portsmouth City Council and Hampshire Constabulary to stop selling any beer or cider over 6.5% in volume, not including premium products.


It is estimated that alcohol misuse costs the NHS, criminal justice service and employers £74 million annually in Portsmouth. Much of this can be linked to the availability of "super-strength" alcohol.
Also, Portsmouth's hospital admissions due to alcohol are above the average for the UK.

What is being done about it?

Local off-licences are being asked to stop selling this super strength beer and cider. Portsmouth City Council and Hampshire Constabulary are working hard to meet all the local shops and encourage them to support the campaign.

You can help

Please help to build a safer and healthier Portsmouth by supporting your local shop to reduce their strength. Whenever you see the green logo in a shop window, it means that the shop is supporting the campaign by not selling super-strength alcohol.
Two Road shows are planned for:-
Palmerstone Rd on Wednesday 18th from 10am - 4pm
Commercial Rd on Sunday 22nd from 10am - 4pm
Where there will be information available from the Police, Community Wardens, NHS, Street pastors and the Alcohol interventions team about the campaign as well as the anti-begging and One Punch Can Kill campaigns, recommended allowances and anything else alcohol related in this the festive period.

Monday, 16 December 2013

COUP Session 2 Presentation

This presentation was given at the second of our COUP (Community Ownership Unit Portsmouth) sessions by Simon Frost, Chief Executive of Parity Trust. The session covered possible entities for community ownership, finance options and community shares. This event was held on the 4th November 2013.

Download the presentation

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

COUP session 1 presentation

The presentation given by Phil Tulba about Adrenaline Alley- Europe's largest BMX & skate park and award winning social enterprise at the first COUP event held on October 8th at the Freda Swain Business Lounge, Portsmouth Guildhall is now available by clicking here.

Monday, 25 November 2013

3 December 2013 - International Day of Disabled People

Portsmouth Recycling Centre

Portsmouth City Council is undertaking a review of services at the Portsmouth Recycling Centre with the aim of improving efficiency and cost effectiveness. Portsmouth City Council is seeking views/comments from site users on the proposed changes.
The proposals are:

1. A revision of site opening hours based upon current site usage

The current and proposed opening hours are shown in the table below

Opening Hours
Calendar Period
1st October to 28th February
8:00am to 4:00pm
9:00am to 4:00pm
1st March to 31st March
8:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 4:00pm
1st April to 30th September
8:00am to 7:00pm
9:00am to 7:00pm
With late opening Thursdays to 9:00pm

2. A revision of the policy for accepting DIY waste with the option of charging for larger quantities

Although there is no legal obligation to accept such waste, site users are currently able to bring in small quantities of DIY waste originating from their own property free of charge. DIY waste includes waste from activities involving improvements, repair or alteration including, but not limited to: 

·        Hardcore, bricks and masonry
·        Wood (i.e fencing, doors and windows)
·        Soil and aggregates
·        Bathroom and kitchen renovations
·        Cement bonded asbestos
·        Plasterboard

The current free provisions allow:

Soil and Rubble: Approximately the contents of 6 x 30 litre bags (the equivalent to a small car boot load) no more than once per month.

Plasterboard: Small offcuts only.

Cement bonded asbestos: No more than 15 sheets, of no greater size than 120cm by 60cm - approximately equal to the amount from a standard single garage roof.

The proposal would not change the current entitlement for free disposal of these small quantities of DIY waste at the site, but would offer residents the option of paying to bring in larger quantities which should currently be disposed of through alternative means, such as the hire of a skip.

3. Introduction of a chargeable commercial waste service

It is currently illegal to deposit trade or commercial waste at the site. Portsmouth City Council is investigating ways of introducing a chargeable service to allow small local businesses to dispose of their trade waste.

If you have any comments or views on these proposals, we would like to hear them. Please e-mail comments or views to recycling@portsmouthcc.gov.uk or call 023 92834092.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Portsmouth City Council local flood risk management strategy - your chance to share your views about flooding

Portsmouth is experiencing changing weather patterns and more floods, so we need to make sure plans to prepare the city against future flooding are up to date and accurate.

You can help.

Portsmouth City Council (PCC) are inviting comments on the new local flood risk management strategy (LFRMS).

The strategy looks at how the council, its partners and residents can better manage flooding from the sea, surface water, groundwater and sewers.

From November 25th there will be a four-week consultation on the DRAFT strategy.

PCC are asking you to:
  • let them know about flooding in your local area. You can do this by
  • FREEPOST to: Flooding consultation, c/o Community Engagement Team, Freepost (SCE 4514), Civic Offices, Portsmouth, PO1 2YZemail to: drainageteam@portsmouthcc.gov.ukor web survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Portsmouthflood
  • help them check that their information about previous flooding is correct
  • comment on the plans for managing flooding in each area of the city
The DRAFT strategy will be available at your local library and you will be able to make comments via the online form.

Or you can view documents, make comments, ask questions, talk through concerns or share experiences of local flooding by coming along to one of the drop-in sessions. These will be held at:
    28th November 2013 - Anchorage Lodge, Sywell Crescent - 2 - 6pm
    2nd December 2013 - Cathedral House, St. Thomas Street - 12 - 7pm

For more detailed information please visit
The groundwater study is not yet published in full

This consultation closes at 4pm Friday 20th December 2013

PCC look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Southern Water - Water resources plan

We publicised that Southern Water was consulting on their Draft Water Resources Management Plan for 2015-2040 between May and August this year.

The 963 responses from the public and new predictions on housing and population growth, which became available, have been reviewed and a Statement of Response has been published at http://swhaveyoursay.co.uk/wrmp/ which shows where changes have been made to the plan.

The plan includes an innovative way of planning to help prepare for the droughts of the future, which may be more severe than those experienced in the past.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Portsmouth Recycling Centre

Portsmouth City Council is undertaking a review of services at the Portsmouth Recycling Centre with the aim of improving efficiency and cost effectiveness. Portsmouth City Council is seeking views/comments from site users on the proposed changes.
The proposals are:

1. A revision of site opening hours based upon current site usage

The current and proposed opening hours are shown in the table below

Opening Hours
Calendar Period
1st October to 28th February
8:00am to 4:00pm
9:00am to 4:00pm
1st March to 31st March
8:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 4:00pm
1st April to 30th September
8:00am to 7:00pm
9:00am to 7:00pm
With late opening Thursdays to 9:00pm

2. A revision of the policy for accepting DIY waste with the option of charging for larger quantities

Although there is no legal obligation to accept such waste, site users are currently able to bring in small quantities of DIY waste originating from their own property free of charge. DIY waste includes waste from activities involving improvements, repair or alteration including, but not limited to: 

·        Hardcore, bricks and masonry
·        Wood (i.e fencing, doors and windows)
·        Soil and aggregates
·        Bathroom and kitchen renovations
·        Cement bonded asbestos
·        Plasterboard

The current free provisions allow:

Soil and Rubble: Approximately the contents of 6 x 30 litre bags (the equivalent to a small car boot load) no more than once per month.

Plasterboard: Small offcuts only.

Cement bonded asbestos: No more than 15 sheets, of no greater size than 120cm by 60cm - approximately equal to the amount from a standard single garage roof.

The proposal would not change the current entitlement for free disposal of these small quantities of DIY waste at the site, but would offer residents the option of paying to bring in larger quantities which should currently be disposed of through alternative means, such as the hire of a skip.

3. Introduction of a chargeable commercial waste service

It is currently illegal to deposit trade or commercial waste at the site. Portsmouth City Council is investigating ways of introducing a chargeable service to allow small local businesses to dispose of their trade waste.

If you have any comments or views on these proposals, we would like to hear them. Please e-mail comments or views to recycling@portsmouthcc.gov.uk  or call 023 92834092.

Has your life been affected by cancer?

Join us for coffee and mince pies on Wednesday 4 December at 10.30am at the Macmillan Info Pod, First Floor, Central Library.

Get support, share concerns or find information, in an informal and relaxed setting, no need to book, just come along.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

National Anti-Bullying Week 18th-22nd November

Help young people find out all about internet Trolls and how to protect themselves.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Remembrance Sunday Service

Portsmouth's annual service of remembrance will take place in the Guildhall Square on Sunday 10 November 2013.
Serving military personnel and members of ex-service groups will parade on to the square at 10:30am, where representatives of the Scouts and St John Ambulance will be present.
The Royal Marines Band will lead the parade of serving military personnel, including representatives from Portsmouth Sea cadets, Air Training Corps, Territorial Army and the Army Cadet Force.
The ex-service military associations, including the Royal British Legion, Normandy Veterans Association, Women's Royal Army Corps Association and Parachute Regiment. These will be led by the Salvation Army Band at 10.50am.

The service of remembrance will be led by Dean of Portsmouth, The Very Reverend David Brindley of St Thomas of Canterbury Anglican Cathedral and The Reverend Canon Dominic Golding of St. John’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, and will begin at 10:58am.
A gun from HMS Nelson will fire at 11am to start the official two-minute silence and again at the end.
Hampshire Police Choir will lead the singing accompanied by the Salvation Army band. The Royal Marines Band will also play during the wreath laying.
The Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Cllr Lynne Stagg will lead the Civic Delegation, which will include the Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, local MPs Mike Hancock and Penny Mordaunt and Council Leader Cllr Gerald Vernon Jackson.
Senior Officers from the Armed Forces, and representatives from the free churches will also be in attendance.
Wreaths will be laid at the Cenotaph and WWII memorial to honour all those who have died in all wars and conflicts.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Get your content on the Big Screen Portsmouth

Are you the next Spielberg? 

Do you enjoy making films and have an interest in the local community? 

You can use the Big Screen to showcase your work. 

This could include an art project that you have been working on, a film clip of a theatre production, pictures of a day out in the city, a community project that you are involved with, an animation that you have created, a music video, a film clip from of your local sports team, or a digital art gallery.

The Big Screen team want to involve as many local residents as possible. 

By using locally produced content The Big Screen team can develop a collection of footage/images to reflect the talent and creativity of the people of Portsmouth providing a visual insight to Portsmouth in the 21st Century. 

All proposals (based on the local community) will be considered on an individual basis. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Don’t delay - Film it, snap it and send it today!

Please ensure you have read the Submission Policy and complete the relevant forms available by clicking here when submitting material to be considered for the Big Screen - please send your ideas and material by email or post to :
  • bigscreen@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
  • Seafront Services and Events Team, Portsmouth City Council, Avenue De Caen, Southsea, Portsouth, PO5 3NS
  • Phone the Big Screen team on 023 9283 4109 
Important information about your submission 
If your work features young people (under 18 years of age) then parental consent must be sought prior to the material being shown. If your material includes music or other items that is copyrighted then you will need to obtain consent and provide evidence for this where appropriate. If you have any queries regarding this, then please contact the Big Screen team.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Portsmouth Neighbourhood Watch Association newsletter

The latest Neighbourhood Watch newsletter can be found by clicking on this link, it includes:-


- Bike Thefts
- Halloween
- Bonfire Night
- Contacts for help and advice
- Cold Calling
- Summer tombstoning Campaign success

Volunteering: What can we learn from interaction in meetings?

A third year psychology undergraduate at Portsmouth University is currently undertaking research examining any behavioural patterns that are evident within the context of volunteer organisational meetings and the possible relevance of these findings.

Are you involved with, or aware of, a voluntary organisation that would be willing to record a forthcoming meeting?

If you are please contact anna.khan@myport.ac.uk directly. You can also find further information
within the following linked documents:

 Information Letter.docx

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Has your life been affected by cancer?

'Coffee and Cake' event

Get support, share concerns or find information, in an informal and relaxed setting, no need to book, just come along. 

Join us for coffee and cake on Wednesday 6 November at 10.30am at Central Library, third floor, Room D.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Free BookFest Event - Future of Public Libraries

Portsmouth Book Fest presents a public meeting on the future of public libraries. 
Tuesday 29th October, 7pm, Menuhin Room, Third Floor, Central Library.  

Confirmed speakers:

Tim Coates
Tim is an author of history books, former head of Waterstone's, library campaigner and now head of international ebook store www.bilbary.com  - of which he is the founder.  He has worked with local authorities on initiatives to improve libraries

Alan Gibbons
Alan is an award-winning children's author and founder of the Campaign for the Book which lobbies for libraries and reading for pleasure. He is a member of the Speak up for Libraries coalition.

Claire Griffiths
Claire is the bid director for Carillion Integrated Services.  This private sector company has run library services for the London Borough of Hounslow since 2008. Claire's team has successfully bid for the Ealing, Harrow and Croydon library services, with Carillion now managing 47 library sites across London.

FREE tickets can be picked up from Central, North End and Southsea Libraries or reserved by phoning 023 9268 8037.