Friday, 29 March 2013

Voluntary & Community Power Hour

The next Power Hour will be at Fratton Community Centre on Tuesday, 16 April at 6.15pm

It is a great opportunity for groups and organisations to meet and tell one another what they are doing and discover what else is happening in the area.

Each group will have chance to talk about their own work, to network and to find out more about funding, training and the other services Community Action Portsmouth have to offer voluntary and community groups.

It’s also a good way to find partners to help you to develop new projects and ideas. 

No need to book you can just turn up, take part and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee as well! 

Community Action in Portsmouth
Cathedral Innovation Centre, 
St. Thomas’s Street, 
Old Portsmouth, 
PO1 2HA 
023 9282 2795 
07801 379 669 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Healthwatch Portsmouth is looking for Interim Board Members

You can help shape health and social care services in Portsmouth

Healthwatch Portsmouth is a new local body being created to help people get the best out of their local health and social care services. Whether it’s improving them today or helping shape them for tomorrow, Healthwatch is intended to act as the local watchdog; enabling a community voice, influencing the design and delivery of local services where appropriate, providing challenge and enabling choice. It forms part of a number of changes introduced under last year's Health & Social Care Act and will take over some of the previous responsibilities of the Portsmouth Local Involvement Network (LINk).

Healthwatch Portsmouth is now seeking people who can join their interim board, help to develop their future governance model and work to ensure that Healthwatch members have a real voice.

This is a voluntary position with reasonable out of pocket expenses covered

You can find out more information in the application pack and can apply either through the form by clicking here or by requesting an application form through 023 9268 8559 or

They look forward to hearing from you

Application forms can also be downloaded by clicking here

Click here to download the Interim Board information pack
Click here to download the Application Form

"Positive Futures in Portsmouth - Health, Wellbeing and Funding"

A day dedicated to voluntary sector development

Date: Friday 26th April

Venue: HMS Nelson

Morning Session "Focus on Fundraising" includes: 
  • An introduction to Portsmouth's Community Covenant
  • Launch of Portsmouth City Community Fund - HIWCF
  • Workshops:
    • Lottery Programmes - an overview
    • Monitoring and Outcomes
    • First Steps to developing a Social Enterprise
    • Applying to Trusts/Foundations - writing a good bid: the essentials 
    • Community Covenant Grant Scheme 
Afternoon Session: "Voluntary Sector Seminar: Health and Well-Being" includes: 
  • Overview of the Health and Wellbeing Board's priorities 
    • Integrated Care
    • Dementia
    • Pre-birth to 5
    • Safety and quality
  • Making connections - themed roundtables giving attendees an introduction to other key stakeholders including commissioners
  • Panel Q & A with a panel including members of Portsmouth's HWB
  • Introduction to the new local Healthwatch 
Please download, complete and return the booking form (details on the form) to reserve your place for either the morning, afternoon, or both sessions. (Please note, as the event is being held at HMS Nelson, for security reasons all delegates will need to reserve a place to attend the event. Refreshments, but not lunch, will be provided.)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Family Law & Support Week - w/c 25th March 2013

Portsmouth Chat is hosting a Family Law & Support Week. As well as supporting our clients with the usual enquiries, we will be focusing this week on supporting and signposting clients with the following subjects.
  • Maternity and paternity rights 
  • Debt and housing issues
  • Welfare benefits
  • Family counselling / relationship support
  • Contact and residence
  • Child maintenance
  • Discrimination
  • Law and rights 
Portsmouth Chat will be offering outreach support throughout the City at the following venues:

Asda Shopping Centre, Fratton Road - Monday 25th March, 11am - 1pm
City Council Helpdesk, Civic Offices - Monday 25th March, 2pm - 4pm
Cosham High Street (weather permitting) - Tuesday 26th March, 9.30am - 11.30am
The Learning Place, Derby Road - Tuesday 26th March, 2pm - 4pm
Central Library, Guildhall Square - Wednesday 27th March, 9.30am - 11.30am
Southsea Library, Palmerston Road - Thursday 28th March, 10am - 12pm

So come along and find out what help may be available to you or contact Portsmouth Chat on 023 9268 8830 or email for more details.

Family Law & Support Week - w/c 25th March 2013

Portsmouth Chat is hosting a Family Law & Support Week. As well as supporting our clients with the usual enquiries, we will be focusing this week on supporting and signposting clients with the following subjects.
  • Maternity and paternity rights 
  • Debt and housing issues
  • Welfare benefits
  • Family counselling / relationship support
  • Contact and residence
  • Child maintenance
  • Discrimination
  • Law and rights 
Portsmouth Chat will be offering outreach support throughout the City at the following venues:

Asda Shopping Centre, Fratton Road - Monday 25th March, 11am - 1pm
City Council Helpdesk, Civic Offices - Monday 25th March, 2pm - 4pm
Cosham High Street (weather permitting) - Tuesday 26th March, 9.30am - 11.30am
The Learning Place, Derby Road - Tuesday 26th March, 2pm - 4pm
Central Library, Guildhall Square - Wednesday 27th March, 9.30am - 11.30am
Southsea Library, Palmerston Road - Thursday 28th March, 10am - 12pm

So come along and find out what help may be available to you or contact Portsmouth Chat on 023 9268 8830 or email for more details.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Social Media and your Reputation Training – Wednesday 27 March

Community Action in Portsmouth are working with The Social & Emotional Wellbeing Support Service (SEWSS) to deliver a workshop on how to get the best out of Social Media whilst keeping your organisations, employees and beneficiaries reputation at heart.

Social Media and your Reputation – Wednesday 27 March 

The way that employees and volunteers portray themselves when using Facebook and other forms of social media reflects not just on them but also on the reputation of their employers and any organisations they are associated with. This workshop gives support in enjoying the benefits of social media while avoiding the pitfalls.

Topics covered: 
  • Digital footprints 
  • Negative content on social networking sites 
  • Building a positive online presence 
  • Privacy, ownership and identity 
  • Photographs 
  • Using social media safely 
  • Protecting staff against cyberbullying 
Delegates are supported in recognising the benefits that social networking can have both socially and for their career, while avoiding mistakes that could compromise their privacy and professional standing. Cyberbullying is becoming a growing problem for staff, especially in the teaching profession, and this workshop provides support and advice in addressing this issue.

Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm. 
Venue: The Friendship Centre, Elm Grove, Southsea, PO5 1JT 
Cost: £50 (discounted to £20 for voluntary/community organisations) 

To book your place please complete a booking form and return to Alina Iorgu on: 

Social Media and your Reputation Training – Wednesday 27 March

Community Action in Portsmouth are working with The Social & Emotional Wellbeing Support Service (SEWSS) to deliver a workshop on how to get the best out of Social Media whilst keeping your organisations, employees and beneficiaries reputation at heart.

Social Media and your Reputation – Wednesday 27 March 

The way that employees and volunteers portray themselves when using Facebook and other forms of social media reflects not just on them but also on the reputation of their employers and any organisations they are associated with. This workshop gives support in enjoying the benefits of social media while avoiding the pitfalls.

Topics covered: 
  • Digital footprints 
  • Negative content on social networking sites 
  • Building a positive online presence 
  • Privacy, ownership and identity 
  • Photographs 
  • Using social media safely 
  • Protecting staff against cyberbullying 
Delegates are supported in recognising the benefits that social networking can have both socially and for their career, while avoiding mistakes that could compromise their privacy and professional standing. Cyberbullying is becoming a growing problem for staff, especially in the teaching profession, and this workshop provides support and advice in addressing this issue.

Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm. 
Venue: The Friendship Centre, Elm Grove, Southsea, PO5 1JT 
Cost: £50 (discounted to £20 for voluntary/community organisations) 

To book your place please complete a booking form and return to Alina Iorgu on:

Monday, 11 March 2013

Southsea Reading Group

Southsea Library support a reading group in the Lord Palmerston pub on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm, that is looking for more members. 

The group reads a blend of classics, modern classics, contemporary fiction and occasionally participate in local and national literary initiatives such as The Big Read. 

If you are interested and would like to know more, contact Penny Bremer or Tom Williams on 023 9268 8065 or email

Details of other reading groups in the city are available on the Portsmouth City Council website at

Southsea Reading Group

Southsea Library support a reading group in the Lord Palmerston pub on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm, that is looking for more members. 

The group reads a blend of classics, modern classics, contemporary fiction and occasionally participate in local and national literary initiatives such as The Big Read. 

If you are interested and would like to know more, contact Penny Bremer or Tom Williams on 023 9268 8065 or email

Details of other reading groups in the city are available on the Portsmouth City Council website at

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

HMS Alliance Royal Navy Submarine Museum

Come to a Talk about HMS Alliance – Royal Navy Submarine Museum, Gosport 
on either
Wednesday 3rd April 
from 3pm 
Cosham Library 
Wednesday 15th May 
from 6pm 
North End Library 

You can book a free place at these talks at any Portsmouth City Library

HMS Alliance Royal Navy Submarine Museum

Come to a Talk about HMS Alliance – Royal Navy Submarine Museum, Gosport 
on either
Wednesday 3rd April 
from 3pm 
Cosham Library 
Wednesday 15th May 
from 6pm 
North End Library 

You can book a free place at these talks at any Portsmouth City Library