Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Portsmouth Summer Fair "Green" Event of the Year!

Its back again! A little later this year, just like the spring ;-) ……………………….

Saturday, 21st September 2013
Victoria Park
11am - 5pm

About 6,000 visitors come to the fair in 2012! That's 2,000 more than 2011. The Exhibitors, Caterers and Attractions were flat out all day; many selling out! And no child could possibly have been bored that day. This year - more food outlets, more stalls, a larger therapy area, two music stages, and a much higher focus on the message – being green. No matter how big or small an Organisation or Charity you are, if you are about being ‘green’, local, hand-made, organic, vegetarian/vegan, re-useable, recycled or Fairtrade, you need to be at this event!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Free child car seat check days

Did you know that in a crash at 30mph your body would be thrown forward with a force 40-60 times your own weight?

Even a super baby couldn't withstand this force

Adult seat belts aren't designed for children because they are proportioned differently and their bones are still developing.

Don't risk your child's life, never carry a child on your lap or use a single seat belt for two passengers, whatever their age.

You can best protect your children by putting them in a properly fitted seat which is appropriate for their weight and size.

Children must travel in a child car seat until they're 135 centimetres tall or 12 years old, whichever comes first.

However 7/10 seats are still failing our free safety checks because they are fitted incorrectly, are unsuitable for the child's age and weight, or are not compatible with the car.

Free safety check events will run from 10.00-3.30 in the car park outside the store, unless noted otherwise 

Thursday 2 May Sainsbury's - Farlington 
Thursday 6 June Asda - Fratton 
Thursday 4 July Tesco - North Harbour 
Thursday 25 July (11-2.00) Imperial Car Supermarket OPEN DAY - London Road, Hilsea
Thursday 1 August Sainsbury's - Farlington 
Thursday 5 September Asda - Fratton 
Thursday 3 October Tesco - North Harbour

A check for your car seat will normally take around five minutes and there is no need to book. 

More detail and top tips for buying child cars seats are available at http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/living/634.html 

Short Breaks Capital Grants Programme 2013

Do you provide Short Breaks for children and young people with disabilities and their families or organise activities that my potentially provide an interesting or exciting experience for them?

Portsmouth City Council has been allocated capital funding to support the transformation of short breaks services and is inviting eligible organisations to register an Expression of Interest. The money is to help create better access to short break provision through providing new equipment, minor adaptations and facilities.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Portsmouth Neighbourhood Watch newsletter

The April edition of the Portsmouth Neighbourhood Watch newsletter is now available at http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/living/neighbourhood-watch-association.html

If you are interested in joining or setting up a neighbourhood watch where you live, telephone the Portsmouth Neighbourhood Watch Association on 023 9284 1461 or email your local PCSO

Central sector

Cosham sector

Fratton sector

Southsea sector

Free child car seat check days

Did you know that in a crash at 30mph your body would be thrown forward with a force 40-60 times your own weight?

Even a super baby couldn't withstand this force

Adult seat belts aren't designed for children because they are proportioned differently and their bones are still developing.

Don't risk your child's life, never carry a child on your lap or use a single seat belt for two passengers, whatever their age.

Friday, 19 April 2013

The New Mary Rose Museum FREE talks

As part of Adult Learners week there will be free talks about the new Mary Rose Museum at

North End Library
Tuesday 21st May

Cosham Library

Friday 24th May

Both from 10am

To reserve a place please pop into or telephone your local library

UPAN Networking Day

The University of Portsmouth Ageing Network (UPAN) is hosting a networking day for people interested in ageing-related topics, from any academic discipline. This will be an opportunity to meet other people from across the University working in the field of ageing. As part of the day's events, we shall be focussing on what capacity and capabilities we hold, what opportunities are available under the four activity streams of UPAN (Research; Knowledge Exchange; Education; and Community Outreach), and how we can improve on our communications to best meet your needs. There's going to be lots of time for networking and discussion, refreshments and edible treats to keep us fuelled throughout the day. 

The event will take place at the University in Dennis Sciama, Room 2.14 on 23rd April, 9am - 4pm.

For more information and to sign up please see: http://ageingnetwork.eventbrite.co.uk/

Alternatively, contact Amy Drahota on 023 9284 4432

Thursday, 18 April 2013

M&S Calls On Portsmouth Community To Get Involved In Southsea Beach Clean

• Part of M&S’ Big Beach Clean-Up taking place across 113 beaches across the UK 
• Beach-side BBQ reward for all those who take part plus money-off food vouchers 

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is calling on volunteers across Portsmouth to don their wellies, roll up their sleeves and help to clean a section of Southsea Beach, as part of the UK-wide ‘M&S Big Beach Clean-up’. 

Taking place on Wednesday 24th April from 11:00am, the initiative is something that the entire Portsmouth community can get involved in, from residents and businesses, to schools, universities and local youth groups. Plus, all those who take part will be rewarded with a beach-side BBQ along with an M&S gift voucher* to put towards their next food shop. 

The ‘Big Beach Clean-up’ is being run with the support of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS), which will see beach activities take place across the country between 22nd and 28th April. It is hoped that during this time around 8,000 people will get involved and 15 tonnes of litter will be collected, more than the weight of a double decker bus. 

Places are limited so volunteers keen to take part can register through the Marine Conservation Society: http://www.mcsuk.org/foreverfish/ 

*You must pre-register online to be eligible to receive the voucher. One voucher per volunteer. Valid once only in UK stores between 22nd April and 12th May. See voucher for full details.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Reducing the impact of health inequalities in Portsmouth

Wednesday 8 May, 2pm - 4pm

Entertainments Hall, St James’ Hospital, PO4 8LD

Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group would like to invite you to their next major stakeholder event and workshop – this one aimed specifically at voluntary and third sector organisations.

They know that male life expectancy in Portsmouth is significantly shorter than the national average with men in our most deprived areas dying nearly 11 years earlier than men in the more affluent areas.

They’d like your ideas about how your organisations may help them reduce the impact of health inequalities.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Big Lottery Fund - Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better

Portsmouth City Council has been invited to submit an Expression of Interest to the Big Lottery to bid for funding from this programme which will support older people to get involved in their communities and tackle social isolation. A 100 local authorities have been selected which will be reduced to a shortlist of 30 areas following submission of EOI's which have to be returned by the 17th May 2013

If the EOI is successful the selected 30 areas will be invited to form a partnership of organisations that would deliver a project. The partnership will be led by a voluntary organisation that will be able to apply for development funding to help with engaging partners and developing a vision and strategy for change.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Free presentation of interest to all licensed premises

There are a few spaces left for this presentation:

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) in conjunction with the Safer Portsmouth Partnership are offering free guidance in relation to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, to all pubs and clubs in Portsmouth and Havant.

In 2009, the Portsmouth Best Bar None process identified that many operators of licensed premises had a lack of understanding and knowledge of their fire safety responsibilities and obligations.

In response to this HFRS conducted a training session with venue owners and responsible managers in order to ensure that everyone was given the opportunity to find out what they needed to do in order to comply with the law.

HFRS are now offering the same opportunity to new operators or as a refresher training.

Areas covered will include:
  • Fire risk assessments. 
  • Employer responsibilities. 
  • Premises capacities. 
  • Crowd management. 
The training will be held at Southsea Fire station, Somers Road, Southsea PO5 4LU at 1.30 pm on Thursday 25th April 2013. It will be expected to last approximately 2 hrs. There is free parking and refreshments.

If you wish to attend could you please reply as soon as possible with your full name, name of licensed premises, telephone number and (where possible) email address to the contact details given below.

David Knight.
Fire Safety Inspector. 
Office: 02392 855180 
Fax: 02392 855175 
Mobile: 07918 887 827 
E Mail: dave.knight @ hantsfire.gov.uk
(remove all spaces for this email address to work)

Friday, 12 April 2013

Volunteering in Portsmouth

The latest Portsmouth City Council volunteering bulletin is available on the council's website at www.portsmouth.gov.uk/yourcouncil/21250.html

There are almost 50 different groups or departments offering volunteering opportunities in:-

  • Conservation Projects & the Environment…
  • Work with Children & Young People…
  • Work with Adults including People with Disabilities & the Elderly…
  • Helping your community…
  • and
  • Arts, Music, Museums & Libraries…

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Chatterbox - Local LGBT Social Group

A local social group for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender people, Chatterbox, originally set up in Gosport and Fareham, now also meets in Portsmouth. It is aimed at people aged 45+, but anyone 25+ is also welcome to join. The group organises a variety of social events such as going to theatre and films, darts and bowling, walks in the countryside and coffee mornings. The aim of the group is to offer social outings in comfortable and supportive environment and build confidence in persons who may be socially introverted.

If you would like to join, or know anyone who would, Chatterbox group can be contacted via the following media:

Telephone / Text: 0784 722 0794
Email: chatterboxLGBTgroup@virginmedia.com
PO Box 4
Gosport Voluntary Action,
Martin Snape House,
96 Pavilion Way,
PO12 1FG
Website: www.chatterboxlgbtgroup.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chatterboxLGBTgroup

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Volunteering in Portsmouth

The latest Portsmouth City Council volunteering bulletin is available on the council's website at 

There are almost 50 different groups or departments offering volunteering opportunities in:-
  • Conservation Projects & the Environment…
  • Work with Children & Young People…
  • Work with Adults including People with Disabilities & the Elderly…
  • Helping your community…
  • and
  • Arts, Music, Museums & Libraries…

Monday, 8 April 2013

What puts Portsmouth on the map for you? UK city of culture bid 2017

What puts Portsmouth on the map for you? 
Have your say in the bid to make Portsmouth part of the UK city of Culture in 2017

Viewpoint is hosting a special event to get local pompey people involved in the city's bid to become part of the UK city of culture in 2017.

Come along to this free event and hear from Sam Cox - the bid writer, ask questions and feed in what you think are the most cultural aspects of the city. Sam will be sharing the details of the bid and is keen to hear your views and comments 

22nd April 2013, View Cafe, 5-6:30pm book your place here

Cancellation notice

Please note the Ambassadors  for Portsmouth Presentation due on Wednesday 10th April at North End Library has unfortunately had to be cancelled

Friday, 5 April 2013

Site Allocations Plan Consultation

 The Portsmouth Plan set out the council's vision for the city's future, including how much housing and employment development is needed up to 2027.

Whilst a number of larger sites, such as Tipner and the city centre, are identified in the Portsmouth Plan, they will not provide all of the necessary development and economic growth the city needs.

The Site Allocations Plan is a list of sites in the city where development might be appropriate.

Where can I see a copy of the plan?

Details of the plan and an interactive map are available at the City Council's Site Allocations web page.

Paper copies of the plan are available at the ground floor reception at the Civic Offices and in all of the city's libraries.

If you would like to find out more about the proposed allocations there are a number of drop-in sessions across the city:
  • Southsea library, Tuesday 9th April, 3pm - 5pm
  • Cosham High Street, Friday 19th April, 10am - 1pm
  • Beddow Library, Wednesday 24th April, 4pm - 6pm
  • Civic Offices reception, Tuesday 7th May, 11am - 1pm
  • Hilsea Lido, Saturday 11th May, 11am - 2pm
  • Civic Offices reception, Thursday 16th May, 3pm - 5pm
  • Commercial Road, Friday 14th June, 10am - 4pm
  • Drayton Institute, Tuesday 18th June, 9:30am - 11:30am

How can I have my say?

Before the list of sites is finalised your views on whether the right sites have been chosen, and whether the right use has been allocated for them, are needed.

write to:
Site Allocations consultation
Planning Policy
Portsmouth City Council
Guildhall Square
PO1 2AU.

If you have any queries about the consultation you can email or 
call 023 9268 8633.

Please make sure you send your comments by 28 June 2013.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Portsmouth in Bloom

The Portsmouth in Bloom community gardening competition.is being run once again and it is free to enter!

There is both friendly rivalry and comradeship as participants are encouraged to enter their hard work in the annual Portsmouth in Bloom. 

There are plenty of categories to choose from a maximum of two entries can be made per entrant (three categories for schools). The closing date for entries is 28 June 2013, or 7 June for school entries.

All entries will be judged on individual merit and awards will be given in line with the Royal Horticultural Society ie. gold, silver gilt, silver and bronze.

You can download the 2013 entry form, that gives further information and explains the entry categories by clicking here.

This years judging of schools will commence on 17 June, all other categories from 8 July.

If you would like to find out more on how to get involved you can look on the City Council website by clicking here telephone (023) 9284 1102, print the entry form or email inbloom@portsmouthcc.gov.uk

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

New Grants available

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Community Foundation (HIWCF) are committed to helping voluntary and community groups to support disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the County.  

They have an endowment of £5m that they are aiming to double in the next three years in order to create a sustainable investment income for local charitable activity through its grants programmes.

The foundation allows local people to contribute to supporting local voluntary and community groups and the communities they serve, and until March 2015 for every £2 donated by individuals, companies and groups, the Government is adding another £1 through the Community First Endowment Match Challenge (up to a yearly limit).

The foundation also have a page on their website that highlights grants that are available locally.