The City Council if facing yet more cuts to it's budget from central government and would like to hear your views on what services you value the most?
The next edition of Flagship will include an eight page supplement explaining where the money comes from, what it is spent on and how local residents can have their say on how savings could be made.
Meetings that you can attend, to find out more, are taking place throughout the city and are detailed in the supplement and online at
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
A Limerick for the Library
Can you come up with a good limerick?
Portsmouth Library Service is running a competition, seeking the best limerick written about Portsea or Paulsgrove, which must include a reference to either 'Portsea' or 'Paulsgrove' within its five lines! The competition is being run from 2nd to 27th September, after which, a selection of the limericks will be displayed so that members of the public will be able to vote for their favourites.
Entry forms are available at Portsea and Paulsgrove Libraries or you can print one off from the PCC website (
Limericks can also be sent by email directly to the libraries at:
If you're not sure how to compose a limerick, here's an example to get you started:
In Paulsgrove a timid girl shone
In a limerick competition
The words that she wrote
Really won her the vote
And she found that her shyness had gone!
(Donna Tebbs)
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Portsmouth Neighbourhood Watch Association newsletter

- Drink Drive
- Cycle Thefts
- Good News
- Family rounder's events
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Macmillan Library Service

Library staff can help you find information and leaflets to take away or read in the library.
Macmillan resources can be borrowed using a library card and can be reserved free of charge if they are already on loan to another borrower.
There is also free internet access and library staff can help you to use the computer.
Information is available in books, leaflets and CDs, including resources in large print and other languages.
There is also information to help children affected by cancer.
The Macmillan Library Service Newsletter is available at
More details about the Macmillan Library Service can be found at
Monday, 19 August 2013
Social Value Act - What is it and why is it important?
19 September 10am – 12pm (arrivals for 9.45am)
the venue, Arundel Street ,
Portsmouth , PO1 1NP
This event
will bring together voluntary and community sector and statutory colleagues to
explore how the Social Value Act could and should be applied.
The Social
Value Act, which came into force in January 2013, calls for all public service
commissioning to factor in social value. For the first time, all public bodies
in England and Wales
will be required to consider how the services they commission and procure might
improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area.
John Tizard,
a trustee of NAVCA and an independent
strategic advisor and commentator on public policy and public services will provide
a keynote speech explaining;
bodies can and should use the power of their procurement spend to drive public
policy objectives to secure social, economic and environmental well-being. To
this end the Social Value Act offers enormous potential to the public sector,
the voluntary and community sector, other providers and communities. But this
potential will only be realised if leaders use the Act to shift mindsets not to
introduce another boring exercise in technocratic 'compliance'”
This event
will enable voluntary and community organisations to:
- understand
the aims of the Act and how you can use it to strengthen your proposals
- have
a clearer idea of commissioners expectations
- develop
a shared understanding of the Act alongside Commissioners
- find out how it is being used elsewhere with good effect
To book your
place on this event please visit the eventbrite page:
This is a
joint Portsmouth City Council and Community Action in Portsmouth event, being held as part of the joint action plan produced following last November’s Voluntary Sector Summit.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Consultation on Southern Water Business Plan
Consultation on Southern Water's Draft Business Plan is open until 22 September 2013.
The plan sets out how Southern Water will meet customers’ expectations and deliver the improvements they want to see in the years ahead.
Proposals for future services, which would cost in the region of £3 billion to deliver, have been developed through a 16 month long research programme involving detailed discussions with thousands of customers and community representatives to identify their priorities.
The consultation will include further detailed research to gather customers’ views, as well as a region-wide engagement programme to raise awareness and encourage people to provide their feedback.
You can book a place at a stakeholder workshop in early September, as detailed below, by contacting by calling 01732 375409:
Sussex: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Wednesday 4 September 2013
Hilton Avisford Park Hotel, Arundel
Hampshire: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Thursday 5 September 2013
Hilton Southampton Hotel, Chilworth
Isle of Wight: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Tuesday 10 September 2013
Priory Bay Hotel, Seaview
The Business Plan consultation document is available via
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
InTend Training Sessions
FREE: InTend Training Sessions for voluntary and community organisations – The gateway to doing business with Portsmouth City Council
Like many local authorities Portsmouth City Council uses an on-line tendering system InTend to advertise and manage its competitive tenders. Many voluntary and community organisations will be familiar with the system but for those who want to learn more and start using it the City Council have organised two training sessions:
Thursday, 26th September 2pm to 5pm or
Friday, 27th September 9am to 12pm
Both sessions will be held at the Civic Offices.
To book a place, please email: by 30th August
Or telephone: 023 9268 8938.
Like many local authorities Portsmouth City Council uses an on-line tendering system InTend to advertise and manage its competitive tenders. Many voluntary and community organisations will be familiar with the system but for those who want to learn more and start using it the City Council have organised two training sessions:
Thursday, 26th September 2pm to 5pm or
Friday, 27th September 9am to 12pm
Both sessions will be held at the Civic Offices.
To book a place, please email: by 30th August
Or telephone: 023 9268 8938.
60+ festival 2013
The popular 60+ festival has been organised for Portsmouth's older residents and is a great opportunity to try something different. This free festival runs in the first two weeks of October, and is full of enjoyable events and activities that will help residents stay fit and active.
Activities range from fitness classes to free courses and arts and crafts sessions. There are yoga, pilates and aqua fit classes, still life and silk painting sessions, and drama classes. There are also stitching and sowing sessions, computer and laptop workshops, and talks on money, scams and understanding legal essentials. You could even go for lunch, or enjoy a cookery or bread making session.
To get involved take a look at the 60+ festival brochure by clicking here, call the events team on 023 9283 4698, or pop into your local library or community centre for a hardcopy.
Please note that due to a printing error in the brochure, you DO need to book your place for tours of the International Ferry Port on Wednesday 2 and Wednesday 9 October. Please call 023 92 83 4698 if you would like to book.
Book your tickets by calling the events team on the number above - please remember you can only book three activities per person.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Heritage Open Days
12-15 September 2013 will see thousands of volunteers invite you to experience local history, architecture and culture, as part of this year's Heritage Open Days.
Heritage Open Days celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to places that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission.
Every year on four days in September, buildings of every age, style and function throw open their doors.
It is a once-a-year chance to discover architectural treasures and enjoy a wide range of tours, events and activities that bring local history and culture to life.
To find events near you, use the search form or click on the map at:
Monday, 5 August 2013
Concerned about your NHS?

If you or your family members need to use an NHS dentist, doctor, care home, physiotherapist, mental health service, hospital or other health/care service in Portsmouth, you will undoubtedly be expecting the best care possible.
The great news is you can help make that happen! Join up here and you'll be part of a network which is working with providers of care to influence provision to be the best it can be:
If you’ve had a great service, or not such a great service from a Portsmouth health or care provider, tell us about here:
Healthwatch is an independent service operating in every local authority area in England and if you want to know more about it, watch the short video on this site:
Find Healthwatch Portsmouth on facebook:
and Twitter
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Action News Portsmouth
It gives information about forthcoming events, consultations, funding and awards, training opportunities, resources, campaigns, advice and volunteering.
Email either Jacky or Hollie at Community Action in Portsmouth to be added to the email distribution list, or with information, comments or suggestions for future editions.
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