Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Community Tasking Groups

Community Tasking Groups (CTGs) meet every four weeks in the four policing areas of the city. The CTGs are made up of police and partner agencies such as the council, fire brigade and other community groups, and they meet to discuss current community issues, their objective is to work in partnership to resolve local community priorities. These priorities are identified through different consultation processes with local groups and individuals.

Together they work to resolve quality of life issues that impact on the local community and often include anti social behaviour, youth problems, environmental issues and anything else that could have a negative impact on your and your neighbours lives.

If you would like an issue raised at the meeting please contact your local Police Safer Neighbourhood team or City Councillor who would be able to represent your views.

The following links show the issues currently being addressed in each area.
Community Tasking Group - Cosham
Community Tasking Group - Fratton
Community Tasking Group - Portsmouth Central
Community Tasking Group - Southsea

Thursday, 16 December 2010

How to get notification when the blog updates

By using the RSS Feeds under FOLLOW US you have the choice of being notified every time new content is posted or every time a comment is posted as well as when new content is posted.

When you click on the Posts or All comments icon you will get a choice of popular feed readers that notifications can be added to.

If you do not already use one of these packages you can choose one and then sign up for free or, if you already use another news reader service just add
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You will then be notified automatically when we post to the blog in the future.

If you are interested in the current Planning Application summary the link will appear on the appropriate page without notification as this is a new link not a new article.

The Planning Application summary will be updated on Thursday each week.

Friday, 10 December 2010

VISIT TO GLA (December 2010)

A small group of us went to the Greater London Authority (GLA) to attend a session of the London Assembly (Plenary) and to hear about some of the work undertaken there.

Particularly relevant to us were some of the ways in which they seek to undertake the scrutiny function. Useful points made included the following:-

Thursday, 9 December 2010

All Fora meeting

The next all fora meeting will be on February 2nd 2011, the meeting will cover the latest on the forum review, publicity and distribution issues and the use of social media, if you have other items you want to discuss please let us know by January 27th 2011. (Venue to be arranged)

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Police beat surgeries

Information on forthcoming Police beat surgeries is available at

Once the screen has opened, click on the map on the area of the city you live in, and then on the next screen click on your part of the local area map.

Under the Quick links: click on ‘Where can you meet the team?’ and you will be taken to the list of local beat surgeries.

They have also been included in the calendar at the bottom of the page.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Adverse weather continues to affect services in Portsmouth

Following freezing overnight temperatures, adverse weather is continuing to affect some services in Portsmouth.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Snow affects council services

Please share the following information for the voluntary sector

Adverse weather affects services in Portsmouth

Although the snow is affecting some services in Portsmouth, most of the city is running as normal.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

BIG unequal?

Our man on the scene said...

"Points for and against the Big Society initiative were keenly argued by academic staff from the University of Portsmouth in a public debate held on Monday. (October 15)

The Oxford Union-style debate was on the motion: “This house believes that the Big Society initiative will lead to a more unequal society.”

Professor Dan Finn and David Carpenter spoke for the motion, while Dr Paul McVeigh and Dr Nancy North spoke against it.

Before the start of the debate 55 of those attending indicated they were for the motion and 25 indicated they were against it.

Following the debate, and comments from the floor, a concluding vote showed that 65 were for the motion and 32 against.

The debate, which was held at a lecture theatre in the university’s St Michael’s Building, attracted a large audience and is one of a number of events organised for Portsmouth Local Democracy Week 2010."

So what did you think?

Monday, 11 October 2010

Democracy??? What's that?

This week is Local Democracy Week 2010 and we have planned a range of activities and events to get you thinking about politics and government- more importantly how you can influence it!!

The sharp eyed amongst you will have already noticed our ten objects- drawn from the city museum archive. They are a quirky collection so get your thinking caps on. We have just posted the details on the first two. We wanted to pick things that you could go and see in person and also that drew parallels with today's politics. As we press on at the council with canvassing for the electoral register, the poll book is a handy reminder of how the franchise has changed, whilst "The Battle of Southsea" raises a number of questions about the use of public space, the right to protest, let alone how to respond!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Current state of Neighbourhood forum consultation

90 residents have so far completed our survey (online version at

The results so far show that although 64% had heard of neighbourhood forums only 24% had attended one.

52% felt that they could influence local decisions and 34% felt they couldn’t the remaining 14% didn’t know.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Eastney Neighbourhood walkabout

The first pilot of the potential new formats for the neighbourhood forums took place on Wednesday 1st September.

The walkabout took place in Eastney, thankfully the weather was fine, and although there were not many residents walking round, some did come out and speak to us as we went.

The walk started at Eastney Community centre went up to Milton Junior school crossed the main road and went back past the shops before crossing back over the road and going along Ringwood Road, then along Henderson road to Bransbury park and finally through the park back to the Community Centre.

The issues raised on the walk are recorded on the table here

The table will be updated as information about the issues come in to the team.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Take Part's 'Community Budget Challenge' at Southsea Carnival 2010

The council's Take Part Pathfinder team had a stand on Southsea Common during Southsea Carnival 2010 to promote active citizenship in the city. As well as giving away the Take Part newspaper and 'How to' guides, the team ran a budget challenge for local people. Each person was given 4 cards, each representing £10,000 and asked to choose between 6 areas to spend the money: Crime, Education, Employment & Economic Well-being, Environment, Health & Youth.

Monday, 9 August 2010

First consultation event results

The drop-in last week at Milton was very successful with more than 50 people talking to us at the Library and several more at the park and local shops.

30 residents completed our survey (online version at

Initial result show that although 57% had heard of neighbourhood forums only 10% had attended one.

57% felt that they could influence local decisions and 23% felt they couldn’t the remaining 20% didn’t know.

Looking to the future of neighbourhood forums respondents could chose as many ideas as they liked
• 23% didn’t choose any option
Of those that did
• 91% thought that drop-ins would be a good idea
• 44% thought that walkabouts would be good
• 35% liked the idea of question and answer sessions and
• 30% liked the idea of open forums
• 74% had further comments and suggestions including
• Using social media and the internet,
• Having suggestion/query boxes at the libraries,
• Putting information in the newspaper,
• Use of Milton Matters
• Highlighting the problems of childcare to allow attendance at meetings.

There are further consultations advertised in the calendar at the bottom of this page, please come along or complete the survey online.