Monday, 11 October 2010

Democracy??? What's that?

This week is Local Democracy Week 2010 and we have planned a range of activities and events to get you thinking about politics and government- more importantly how you can influence it!!

The sharp eyed amongst you will have already noticed our ten objects- drawn from the city museum archive. They are a quirky collection so get your thinking caps on. We have just posted the details on the first two. We wanted to pick things that you could go and see in person and also that drew parallels with today's politics. As we press on at the council with canvassing for the electoral register, the poll book is a handy reminder of how the franchise has changed, whilst "The Battle of Southsea" raises a number of questions about the use of public space, the right to protest, let alone how to respond!

Tonight the University are hosting a Big Society debate- seeking to explain and challenge the concept. It's a 6pm start so be quick! The Big Society is a key plank of the new government's approach to communities and the role of the voluntary sector. This event is a chance to look at that away from the bright light of the media and consider how it might play out over the coming months. This is very much a starting point and we will look to hold follow up sessions towards the end of the year (it is fast approaching). We will also capture the main points for our blog.

I chaired an interesting discussion last Friday with the Council Leader, a local MP and the President of the Student Union. It was a great opportunity to dig into why these folk got involved in politics and what they are seeking to achieve. You can immerse yourself in this on Wednesday night @7pm on Express FM 93.7FM (on-line outside Portsmouth) and on the "listen again" feature of their website (if you are out changing the world!).

There are a whole of host of things coming up this week so have a look at our website All the events are free.

Have a happy week.

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