Thursday, 28 July 2011



Portsmouth city council submitted the Portsmouth Plan (Core Strategy) to the Secretary of State on the 25th July 2011 for a public examination.  

The Secretary of State will appoint an independent Inspector to carry out a Public Examination of the plan, which is likely to occur during September / October 2011.

The Portsmouth Plan sets out the Council’s planning strategy for the city for the next 15 years.  

The Council also submitted the  
Sustainability Appraisal report and its 
non-technical summary, the  
proposals map and 
information map, the 
Habitats Regulations Assessment, the 
Statement of Community Involvement, the  
consultation statement, the representations made at the last consultation stage, a  
summary of the main issues raised, a  
schedule of changes and a series of supporting documents.  

All these documents can be viewed on the website at

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Vicky Piper, Planning Policy Team Leader at 

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Communities Day - Cosham High Street - Feedback

The community Engagement team were at the Communities day held in Cosham High Street on Friday 22nd between 10am and 3pm promoting the How to… guides, Portsmouth LINk and Neighbourhood forums. 

In order to identify neighbourhood priorities people were given 3 voting cards and asked to identify the priorities for improvement within their local area – the options and results of the 116 people who voted were as follows:-

Neighbourhood priorities
Traffic/ Parking/Public transport
Youth Facilities/Activities
Streets – Cleaning/Look/Repair
Open spaces/Parks/Environment
Meetings/Family events/Activities


We also had a couple of requests for improvements to social services, a report of selling cars in the street and a report of a damaged bus stop sign which have been passed on.

Many other people stopped to ask questions and take literature without taking part in the voting process meaning over 150 people were seen on the day.  Also 37 people left their email addresses in order to receive additional information about the Portsmouth LINk.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Public open days planned for St Mary’s health campus

NHS Portsmouth is to open its doors to the public to show off the new £18.6 million community health campus at St Mary’s – weeks before it opens.

Staff are hosting six ‘open days’ from 28 November to 2 December when they will give a series of 45-minute long guided tours during two to three-hour windows.

Catherine Webster, project manager for NHS Portsmouth, the city’s primary care trust, said: “We’ve chosen different start times across five different days of the week to try to encourage as many people to attend.

“This community health campus is being built for the public – so we want them to know how their money has been spent, and to explain the thinking behind our planning.

“Not every room or facility on show will be fully kitted out with all its equipment, but this is a one-off chance – or six one-off chances – to get a good look around to find out the facilities and services that will be on offer.

“This is obviously going to be an exciting new local health development, which will complement existing services at Queen Alexandra Hospital and provide community facilities on the doorstep for people on Portsea Island.

“These open days are free for anyone to turn up at any time in the individual sessions. We will have plenty of staff to show our visitors around. There is no need to book in advance, but parking will be limited – so we would ask people to only travel by car if they really need to.”

The campus, which has attracted £17.1m of Department of Health funding, will open next year on part of the former St Mary’s Hospital site.

The rest of the land is being sold by Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT), which moved many of its services from the site to the redeveloped Queen Alexandra Hospital two years ago.

A new Out-Patients’ Department (OPD) has already opened on the campus to replace its demolished predecessor and other major facilities will include a new midwife-led maternity centre and a 12 to 16-bed GP-led intermediate care wards for patients.

Contractors BAM have been on site since 2009, converting and refurbishing the former maternity and paediatric blocks. Other services to be run from the site will include sexual health services, podiatry, phlebotomy, speech and language therapy and chronic disease management.

Visitors wanting to attend the Open Days should report to the main reception at St Mary’s at least 30-minutes before the session closes on the following dates/times:

  • Monday 28th November, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 29th November, 10.00am to 12.00 noon
  • Wednesday 30th November, 12.00 noon to 3.00pm
  • Thursday 1st December, 10.00am to 12.00 noon
  • Thursday 1st December 4.00pm to 6.30pm
  • Friday 2nd December, 10.00am to 12.00 noon. 

For more details about the  Campus, visit and then click on the Your Health tab.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

All Forum Meeting July 2011

This is the Agenda for the next all forum meeting on Wednesday 27th July 2011 at 6pm in Conference Room A, Second Floor, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square

  • 6.00pm     Welcome, introductions
  • 6.10pm     Review Update and Future Planning
  • 6.20pm     Renewed Guidance for Neighbourhood Forums
  • 6.45pm     Support Arrangements
  • 7.00pm     Publicity & notification
  • 7.15pm     Updates and issues from Forum Chairs
  • 7.30pm     Future of this group
  • 7.45pm     AOB
  • 8.00pm     Close

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Consultation on the draft charging schedule

In 2010 a new way of collecting contributions from developers to help fund infrastructure projects was introduced:  The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), a tariff at a locally set rate, which many types of development will have to pay.

Portsmouth City Council wants to begin to use this system locally. To do this, we have undertaken background work and done preliminary consultation.  Now we have prepared a ‘draft charging schedule’ which proposes what the local levy rates will be. 

You can comment on the draft CIL Charging Schedule. Comments must reach us by 8th August 2011.

You will find a summary leaflet, the full consultation document, the evidence base used to inform the charging schedule, and a note explaining how to comment (the statement of representations procedure) at

Once consultation on the draft charging schedule has ended, the charging schedule will have to be submitted for examination before it can be adopted. As part of your representation you may request the right to be heard by the examiner appointed to examine the draft CIL Charging Schedule.  You may also request to be notified at a specified address of any of the following:

i.           that the draft charging schedule has been submitted to the examiner in accordance with section 212 of PA 2008,
ii.          the publication of the recommendations of the examiner and the reasons for those recommendations, and
iii.         the approval of the charging schedule by the charging authority.

This examination is planned for October 2011.  The city council hopes to approve and to start using the CIL charging schedule in the spring of 2012.

If you have any further questions regarding CIL, please contact Jacqueline Boulter on (023) 9284 1276, or email

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Community Days

Two, one day, one stop shops for information and advice on local community centres, facilities, support agencies, advice and community service providers will be taking place-

Friday July 8th from 10am till 4pm at Commercial Road and Arundel Street.
Friday July 22nd from 10am till 4pm at Cosham High Street

Over forty different services and organisations will be providing free information and advice on how to improve the health of your body, mind and community.