Thursday, 7 July 2011

Consultation on the draft charging schedule

In 2010 a new way of collecting contributions from developers to help fund infrastructure projects was introduced:  The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), a tariff at a locally set rate, which many types of development will have to pay.

Portsmouth City Council wants to begin to use this system locally. To do this, we have undertaken background work and done preliminary consultation.  Now we have prepared a ‘draft charging schedule’ which proposes what the local levy rates will be. 

You can comment on the draft CIL Charging Schedule. Comments must reach us by 8th August 2011.

You will find a summary leaflet, the full consultation document, the evidence base used to inform the charging schedule, and a note explaining how to comment (the statement of representations procedure) at

Once consultation on the draft charging schedule has ended, the charging schedule will have to be submitted for examination before it can be adopted. As part of your representation you may request the right to be heard by the examiner appointed to examine the draft CIL Charging Schedule.  You may also request to be notified at a specified address of any of the following:

i.           that the draft charging schedule has been submitted to the examiner in accordance with section 212 of PA 2008,
ii.          the publication of the recommendations of the examiner and the reasons for those recommendations, and
iii.         the approval of the charging schedule by the charging authority.

This examination is planned for October 2011.  The city council hopes to approve and to start using the CIL charging schedule in the spring of 2012.

If you have any further questions regarding CIL, please contact Jacqueline Boulter on (023) 9284 1276, or email

1 comment:

  1. I approve of the schedule of charges and the scheme will allow developers to factor in the charges at the outset.

    Terry Carter
