The drop-in gave residents and shoppers the opportunity to discuss local issues, as well as tell us about problems on their doorstep. We also challenged those who dared to take the "Pompey pound challenge" which asks them to decide neighbourhood priorities and indicate where they think resources should be allocated.
We also used the event as an opportunity to promote our activities for local democracy week in October. This includes "Political hero"- asking people to name a figure from local, national or international politics (past & present) as well as the qualities they admire in our elected representatives.
There was also a chance to post a question for our question time radio debate which will include Cllr Mike Hancock CBE MP, Cllr Simon Bosher and George Brown from the British Red Cross. If you missed that chance, why not email us at takepart@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
If you are interested in future events of this kind in your area, please get in touch. We have also had some interest in restarting the Hilsea Neighbourhood Forum and would like to hear from you if you are keen to be involved with shaping this going forward.
Our thanks once again to Southern Co-Operative for their support in the running of this event.
We will shortly upload an actions sheet highlighting the issues raised and our progress in resolving them.
More images
Actions Sheet

I think this type of Community Event should be promoted acroos the City.