Monday, 31 October 2011

The Hampshire Health Record

Your information
The Hampshire Health Record is an electronic summary record for people living in Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton.
The record stores information from GP surgeries, hospitals, social and community care teams in one place so that – with your consent – professionals can view it to deliver better care to you.

Your choice
If you are happy for your information to be stored on the Hampshire Health Record then you do not need to do anything. Please contact us if you would like a free copy of the information held about you on the Hampshire Health Record or prefer your information not to be stored on the Hampshire Health Record.

Further information
Free phone: 0300 123 1519
Write to: 
Hampshire Health Record
NHS Southampton
Oakley Road
Southampton SO16 4GX

1 comment:

  1. I think the Hampshire Healthcare Record is an excellent idea - bringing together electronically all our healthcare information in one place - but I agree that individuals should be able to 'opt out'.
