I am writing to ask your views on our draft policy for determining
buildings or pieces of land which are
‘assets of community value’ under the newly introduced Community
Right to Bid (CRTB) legislation.
Under the CRTB legislation, local community groups can nominate
properties to be listed as ‘assets of
community value’. Upon receiving the nomination from an eligible
group, Portsmouth City Council will
determine the nomination against the policy listed below.
A property which is successfully accepted by the city council as
an ‘asset of community value’ will, if
being sold with a potential change of use, be subject to a 6-week
interim moratorium period where only
an eligible community interest group can buy the asset.
If a community interest group ‘expresses interest’ in buying the
asset during this time, a 6 month full
moratorium period is activated, within which only an eligible
community interest group can buy the
asset. This will give the community the time they need to put a
business plan together and gather the
necessary finances to bid.
The owner of the asset does not have to accept an offer from a
community interest group, and after
the full moratorium period has finished, can sell the asset on the
open market to whoever they wish
and at whatever price they wish.
For more information on the Community Right to Bid process, please
see the Department for
Communities and Local Government non-statutory guidance
Portsmouth City Council’s draft policy is written below:-
Suggested policy for defining social interests / well-being
When assessing nominations for inclusion on the Register of Assets of Community Value the City
Council will have regard to the following criteria:-
1. The extent to which the approval of the nominated site would enhance the social interests and social wellbeing of the local community because in its absence the local community would be deprived of land or a building that is essential to the special character of the local area, and provides:
i. a place to meet and socialise, or
ii. a place to shop, or
iii. a recreational, sporting or cultural facility.
2. The definition of the extent of the local community will depend on the nature of the use and each case will be considered on its merits, with particular reference to the character and heritage of the local area, its community cohesion and its sense of belonging.
3. The City Council will have regard to the realistic prospect of the continued or future use of the asset, and in particular the commercial viability of the proposal (including the ability to raise funds) and the sustainability of that use.
3. The City Council will have regard to the realistic prospect of the continued or future use of the asset, and in particular the commercial viability of the proposal (including the ability to raise funds) and the sustainability of that use.
The draft policy is also viewable on our Community Right to Bid webpage.
You can email your comments to us at
Alternatively, you can post your
comments to us at:
Community Right to Bid
Planning Services
Portsmouth City Council
Guildhall Square
PO1 2AU.
Please make sure you get any comments to us by the 24th December 2012.
Community Right to Bid
Planning Services
Portsmouth City Council
Guildhall Square
PO1 2AU.
Please make sure you get any comments to us by the 24th December 2012.
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