“European Local Democracy Week” (ELDW) is an annual European event where local authorities from all the 47 member states of the Council of Europe organise public events to meet and engage with their citizens on issues of current interest. The aim is to promote and foster democratic participation at a local level through public initiatives which involve citizens.
This year's theme is
Active citizenship: voting, sharing, participating
Activities planned in Portsmouth for 2013 so far, include:-
Monday 14th October Why bother to vote? Challenge
Tuesday 15th October Full Council Meeting: Local democracy in action
Wednesday 16th October Healthwatch Launch event and Patient Engagement Debate
Wednesday 16th October Healthwatch Launch event and Patient Engagement Debate
Wednesday 16th October Portsea Island Discs with Lord Mayor
Thursday 17th October Lord Mayor’s Schools Debate
Thursday 17th October “How Parliament Works”
Please click on the Local Democracy Week logo to find out more detail and to register for the free events
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