Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Does your group or organisation support people with Autism?

Do you feel there needs to be more money to help with the issues around Autism?

Would £500k make a difference?

Join Action Portsmouth on Tuesday 
1 July at 1pm at the Queens Hotel, Southsea.

Action Portsmouth is helping to bring a group of people together to look at applying to the Big Lottery Reaching Communities Fund to help tackle some of the issues that people with Autism face.

The Reaching Communities programme has four outcomes. The word outcome is used to describe the key changes or differences the funding will make. Every project must help achieve one or more of these outcomes:
  1. People having better chances in life, with better access to training and development to improve their life skills
  2. Stronger communities, with more active citizens working together to tackle their problems
  3. Improved rural and urban environments, which communities are better able to access and enjoy
  4. Healthier and more active people and communities.
Action Portsmouth would like to invite parents, carers, psychologists, clinicians, service users, and service providers or anyone who feels that they want to be part of something GREAT.

In this meeting you will look at what is required for the bid and what you would like to go in the application. 
Action Portsmouth will go through the process in plain language and will make sure that everyone has their say.
A good variety of people is needed to make sure this bid is a strong community-led bid and is what is needed for Portsmouth.

This is YOUR chance to make a difference.

The whole process of applying for Reaching Communities takes about a year, but there will be plenty of support available from The Big Lottery Fund throughout.

If you would like to attend the meeting please call 023 9282 2795 or email Jacky Charman on

Action Portsmouth look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 1 July at 1pm at the Queens Hotel, Clarence Parade, Southsea, Portsmouth, PO5 3LJ.

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