The following is an update letter from Southern Water about works at Eastney Pumping Station.
I am writing to update you on the ongoing work that Southern Water is carrying out to make improvements to Eastney Pumping Station. Representatives from Southern Water, including myself, met with local residents in June to listen to their concerns, in particular regarding odour and noise. Since then we have carried out a number of improvements and more work is scheduled to take place in the coming months.
Since the meeting we continued to review the performance of the existing odour treatment plant. We have reinforced a “closed door policy” at the pumping station to contain odours and have recently installed a new odour suppressant system at the site. Daily readings from the odour plant are logged and are made available to the City Council’s Environmental Health Officers.
We are carrying out an investigation to look at how we can reduce the amount of smoke emitted from the diesel pump exhausts. A successful trial has recently taken place and work is continuing. We have also fixed the weekly diesel pump testing to Thursday mornings to avoid unnecessary disruption to local residents at other times.
A survey has been completed that looked at noise from the site and we are now designing noise reduction measures. In addition to this we have started a programme to refurbish the three final effluent pumps, which pump the treated wastewater out to sea via the long sea outfall. This will help reduce noise and odour. This work has started but we can only work on one pump at a time, as the site must be able to operate effectively at all times.
In the coming months we will also be replacing the low level pumps to reduce noise and vibrations further and additional odour suppressant will be installed.
We are committed to making improvements at Eastney to ensure it works effectively and to ease the impact on residents living nearby. However it is a complex site and we cannot make these improvements overnight. It remains a priority for us and is an important part of our overall investment in Portsmouth over the next five years.
I hope that this has provided you with a useful update on the situation. We will also be writing to local residents to keep them informed about our progress.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely
Stewart Garrett
Wastewater Area Manager (West)
Southern Water