Monday, 31 October 2011

The Hampshire Health Record

Your information
The Hampshire Health Record is an electronic summary record for people living in Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton.
The record stores information from GP surgeries, hospitals, social and community care teams in one place so that – with your consent – professionals can view it to deliver better care to you.

Your choice
If you are happy for your information to be stored on the Hampshire Health Record then you do not need to do anything. Please contact us if you would like a free copy of the information held about you on the Hampshire Health Record or prefer your information not to be stored on the Hampshire Health Record.

Further information
Free phone: 0300 123 1519
Write to: 
Hampshire Health Record
NHS Southampton
Oakley Road
Southampton SO16 4GX

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Your Voice in Health and Social Care Survey

This is your opportunity to help influence the work of the LINk in the Portsmouth area as it changes into Local Healthwatch while continuing to help improve local Health and Social Care services.

Please take this very quick survey (approximately 3 minutes long)

Background information

LINks – remit, role, powers & activities
There is a LINk in every local authority area that has social services responsibility and the remit of the LINk covers any health or social care service that is funded by the taxpayer. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Portsmouth BookFest 2011

Portsmouth BookFest runs until November 13th

You can meet more than 20 authors

at 17 different Events

held at 10 venues across the city

Go to for more details

Monday, 17 October 2011

"Should Prisoners have the right to vote?"- University Public Debate

Last week Portsmouth City Council hosted a debate with the University to explore the rights of prisoners and to address the thorny issue of whether or not they should have the right to vote. An initial vote amongst the assembled audience suggested that people were very much in favour of giving this right. However, by the end of this session- held as part of European Local Democracy Week 2011- the audience view had changed, showing a majority against.

What turned them?

Well some passionate and persuasive arguements from our speakers from the Law School at the University, along with some capable chairing and focused minds. Putting across the case "For", Ursula Ward insisted that "voting is a right and not a privilege", something that helps to promote greater awareness amongst prisoners of politics & democracy, as well as generate victim empathy and promote wider responsibility. "People are sent to prison to loose their liberty and not their identity".

David Carpenter countered this with the argument that voting is "a moral right, not just a legal right" and "an entitlement not a privilege, a duty rather than a right"- "once you are out of the club you can't expect to vote on the management committee!" As the debate continued we were asked to consider that a blanket ban on voting for prisoners shows a lack of understanding of the very purpose of prison and that law makers should not break the law to uphold a principle. The debate was held to explore elements of this year's theme "Human Rights at a Local Level".

Friday, 14 October 2011

Boundary Commission public hearing

The Boundary Commission for England has published proposals for new parliamentary constituency boundaries. 

The Boundary Commission is holding five public hearings in the south-east region and one of these hearings will be held in the Guildhall in Portsmouth on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 October. 

For further information go to;Boundary Commission consultation or Boundary Commission proposals

The proposals relating to the south-east region are available for inspection at: Cosham Library, The Civic Offices and Southsea Library

Find out more about Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust’s Diabetes services

The Trust’s Diabetes services are nationally recognised as some of the best in the country.

Patients with diabetes are twice as likely to be admitted to hospital. They have a length of stay twice that of non-diabetic patients and higher complications rates.

At the next public constituency meetings for Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust’s Council of Governors, a consultant from the Diabetes department will be giving a presentation on Diabetes and the Trust’s Diabetes services.

Constituency meetings are held twice a year; to give Trust members and members of the public an opportunity to share their opinions of the hospital with Trust Governors and to enjoy an interesting presentation from one of their clinicians. All are welcome.

The dates for the next meetings are:
Gosport1 November 2011 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Music Room, Thorngate Hall, Bury Road,Gosport,PO12 3PX

Portsmouth 2 November 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Level E,QueenAlexandraHospital, Cosham, PO6 3LY

Havant and South East7 November 2011 from 1pm to 3pm
Leigh Park Community Centre,Dunsbury Way, LeighPark,PO9 5BG

Fareham9 November 2011, 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Octagon Lounge, Ferneham Hall, Osborn Road, Fareham, PO16 7DB

If you would like more information about being a Trust member or the constituency meetings please email or visit 

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Opportunities Fair

Opportunities Fair
Sunday 16th October
10am – 3pm
The Guildhall

This fair is available for all pupils aged between 10 & 13 years old and the invitation is extended to their families.

The fair is an exciting, interactive fun event with hands-on demonstrations from approx. 100 local businesses, training providers and colleges to showcase their work in the city.

The aim is to raise aspirations in Portsmouth and create a positive image to the city and the wide range of employment and careers opportunities it presents.

For further information please contact
Jacquie Jones at

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

One World Week events in and around Portsmouth 2011
One World Week (23-30 October)
People working together to build a just, peaceful and sustainable world

One World Week is about getting people together to value and understand the world and those who live in it. The 2011 theme is Living for One World and there's a strong emphasis on climate change and its effects.

See for ideas and materials.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

All Fora meeting November 2011

This is a call for agenda items for the next All Fora meeting, to be held on November 14th 2011 from 6pm in conference room A on the 2nd floor of the Civic Offices.  

The meeting is open to all committee members (please liaise with your chairman so we are not inundated, thank you).  

Could you confirm your attendance and/or any items for the agenda to by November 4th.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Awards for All Workshop

Awards for All England is a simple small grants scheme making awards of between £300 and £10,000. The Awards for All programme aims to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. 

To do this they want to fund projects that meet one or more of the following outcomes:
• People have better chances in life - with better access to training and development to improve their life skills.
• Stronger communities - with more active citizens working together to tackle their problems.
• Improved rural and urban environments - which communities are better able to access and enjoy.
• Healthier and more active people and communities.
The application form is short and simple and you will find out if you are successful within six weeks.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

NHS End of Life Care Consultation

It's not the most cheerful of subjects, thinking about where you want to die, but the Department of Health, and local doctors are asking us all to do just that so they can make sure that the right services are in place for patients when they need them most.

The aim is to make sure that, when the time comes, patients are able to choose where they want to die with the right services and support available to ensure comfort and dignity.

To support that aim, some of the things NHS Portsmouth want to look at as priorities for this year are: