A public question and answer session on the city centre and seafront masterplans.
Date: Wednesday 5th September 2012
Time: 7 - 9pm
Venue: Invincible Suite, The Royal Beach Hotel, St Helens Parade, Portsmouth, PO4 0RN (
Click here for a map)
Your opportunity to put questions to a panel, including:
- Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Leader of Portsmouth City Council
- Kathy Wadsworth, Director of Regeneration and Strategic Director
- Mike Allgrove, Assistant Head of Planning Services
There will be a short overview presentation at 7pm, followed
by an open question and answer session. The panel will be happy to
answer your questions and hear your views and ideas in relation to the
You can see the full versions
There is no need to register to attend. A public bar will
be available at the venue from 6.30pm. If you have any queries
beforehand, or any accessibility requirements, please contact the
community engagement team on
023 9268 8636 or email