Friday, 21 June 2013

Proposed Osborne Road improvements

In 2012, Portsmouth City Council were successful in a bid for funding to promote local sustainable transport within the Southsea area.  The project is focused on improving the shopping areas in Southsea by providing higher priority to walking, cycling and public transport. 

By working with local businesses, the council have developed the plans available to download here (Southsea town centre improvements - online survey ) - but now they would like your thoughts on the proposed improvements. 

They are also keen to gather feedback and comments on the proposals to extend the existing pedestrian zone of Palmerston Road. 

Please tell them what you like, dislike and any ideas you have for further improvements by using the link above and completing the online survey before Wednesday 31 July 2013.

It is hoped that work can commence in January 2014. 

For more information on the proposals there are various events for residents, businesses and visitors to attend: 

 • 24 June - 31 July
Information and plans of proposals to be displayed within Southsea Library located in Palmerston Road precinct 

 • Monday 1 July 
A drop-in session to be held at St Jude’s Church, Southsea from 2pm – 8pm with officers and Councillors in attendance to answer any questions

 • Saturday 13 July 
A mobile exhibition and consultation trailer will be positioned on Palmerston Road precinct with information on the proposals

1 comment:

  1. The consultation process on this looks as ineffective as the original one on Palmerston Rd. Why does the new survey not include an option to restore Palmerston Rd back as a through road open to traffic? Why can't we have a proper public meeting about Osborne Rd instead of a drop-in session in the library?
