Friday, 28 December 2012

Gateway Portsmouth Stakeholder Event

Stakeholder Event Invite
Please click on the invite to the right for information on a Stakeholder Event introducing the Gateway Portsmouth In-Thuse Project which is taking place on :-

Wednesday 16th January 2013
10am -1.30pm
At  Friendship House, 
Elm Grove,

The project aims to support

Monday, 24 December 2012

Win £50 in high street vouchers - for 3 minutes

Healthwatch is doing another survey - this time into the reasons we go to A&E for urgent care.  It takes about 3 minutes to complete and we will enter you into a prize draw to win £50.  Just click on the link below:

We will announce the winner and the research results at the end of March - to see the results of previous research see the Healthwatch blog.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Southern Water’s work to plan for the future

The long-term strategy for Southern Water is being developed to meet customer and stakeholder expectations and the challenges of the future.

Southern Water's Strategic Statement looks ahead for the next 25 years and is currently being updated for 2015 to 2040.

They have recently published the opening chapters of the Statement. These cover:
They would welcome your feedback on these chapters via their online form, or by writing to Joel Hufford, Public Relations Manager, Southern Water, Southern House, Yeoman Road, Worthing, BN13 3NX.

Further chapters of the Strategic Statement, covering how they plan to meet customers’ expectations, will be published in early 2013, with the final document due to come out in the spring.

You can sign up for e-mail alerts to let you know when these later sections have been published

In their Strategic Statement, they consider how they will manage the challenges of climate change, population growth and new legislation to deliver value for money water and wastewater services for customers.

Enable Ability Sports Club

Fridays at 
Charter Community Sports Centre, 
Greetham Street, 
PO5  4LH 

U12s: 17:00 - 18:45
12+:   18:00 - 19:45


A multi-sports club for those aged 5-25 years old who may need support due to mild to moderate disabilities.  The first part of the session will be trampolining and other sports, followed by swimming.

Richard Morgan
311-313 Copnor Road
0742 959 6822
023 9267 1846

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Work Skills

The Learning Place are providing a series of Work Skills courses and services from January

First Steps to Employment

If you have recently finished college and are looking for work this course can help. Learn about business and customer awareness, job searching, team working, CVs, interview practice. It is an accredited course leading to an award in employability skills. It is free if you are between 19 and 24 years old. Held Monday mornings 10am to 12 noon term time only at The Learning Place. Please phone 023 9262 1860 to book a place.

Employability course

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Too Flexible or Too Formal?

Hosted by the Healthwatch Development PartnershipA session to explore the boundaries, roles and responsibilities of volunteering and governance roles at the local level.

The session will address:
  • Accountability & Representation - How do we balance keeping a check with keeping a voice?
  • Capacity - Rolling back the state? How can volunteers effectively exercise their new community rights?
  • Responsibility - How loose can the red tape get?
  • Defining community interest - How do we balance door-step issues with city wide priorities? How do we reflect them and “sense check” them?
The first half of the session will comprise snapshots of governance from organisations within the city and the second half will be an interactive exercise to test potential governance models for Healthwatch Portsmouth.

Monday, 28th January 2013 from 10:00 to 13:00

At H M Naval Base,

Action Stations, Horizon Room

<To book a place please click here>

Monday, 17 December 2012

Healthwatch Competition


Win a £15 shopping voucher in our prize draw.

It's open to everyone (people, not business pages) who likes our page before the 20th December at 12noon.

All you have to do is come up with a creative suggestion as to how Healthwatch can best encourage more young men (up to the age of 25) in Portsmouth to get involved in influencing health and care in the City.

Sensible suggestions (!) will be entered into the draw, which will be held on the 21st December 2012 at 12noon. The winner will be notified via facebook.

Please place your entry in the comments box below this post or message us if you prefer.

Only one entry per person is valid.

(We're sorry, but employees of Learning Links, Portsmouth City Council and University of Portsmouth are not eligible to enter).

Friday, 14 December 2012

Japanese Braiding Taster Workshop

Free places available by booking at any city library

Monday 21st January 2013

1.30pm – 4.30pm

Paulsgrove Library

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Free Patchwork Sessions At North End Library

All patchwork sessions from 1.30 – 4.30pm

Thurs 17th January 
- Diamond Patchwork

Thurs 24th January 
- Somerset Patchwork

Thurs 31st January 
- American Log Cabin Patchwork

Book a free place for these sessions at any Portsmouth Library (Contact details available here)

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Council Budget 2013/14 - Public Consultation Session

Come along to our budget consultation session at the Civic Offices this Thursday (6th December) to get an overview of the Council’s proposed budget for 2013/14. This public session will be held between 6pm and 8pm in Conference Room A, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth. Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Leader of Portsmouth City Council and Chris Ward, Head of Finance will be in attendance to give a short presentation and answer any questions. 

For more information on the proposed budget recommendations for 2013/14, please go to: 

Friday, 30 November 2012

Help the Shaping Portsmouth, Ambassador Campaign

Can you help?

Shaping Portsmouth are looking for community groups who would like to support their campaign by having a trained Ambassador come and talk about all the great things happening in Portsmouth.

Find out more about this exciting initiative and the regeneration projects around the City by having a Portsmouth Ambassador visit you!

Book Now 

If you are interested in having an Ambassador to come to you or want more information, email the Ambassadors' office at:

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Difficulty communicating about your health and care? Sign up to Healthwatch Portsmouth!

Healthwatch Portsmouth will be the local watchdog for all health and care services in the city and will make it its business to put local people’s needs and views at the heart of all services – services that we use all the time. 

To sign up as a network member of healthwatch just fill in the form below – being a member of healthwatch is no big commitment, it just means we will keep you up to date with local services that are changing, and ask for your feedback on the services you use. 

For more information contact us on 023 9268 8508 or 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

New equality & diversity blog and web pages

New equality & diversity in Portsmouth blog 

The equality & diversity team at Portsmouth City Council have produced a blog where you can find the latest equality and diversity news, developments in the law, upcoming events, links and articles of interest. 

You can visit their blog by going to:

Please let them know if you have any comments about the new blog so that they may make it useful and interesting to you. 

New equality & diversity web pages 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Season’s Greetings from the Student and Neighbour Liaison Service

The festive season is upon us and for students so is the end of their first term. As with many other people in Portsmouth students may be planning to celebrate the festive period.
This will largely not cause any problems with the Portsmouth City Council noise team reporting that only 3.5% of the City’s noise complaints are related to student properties! 

But where problems do arise the Student and Neighbour Liaison Service can assist.

Maintaining good relationships with the community is very important to the University and we will take the necessary steps required to deal with any complaints that we may receive, along with continuing to inform students about how to be a good neighbour. 

Many students go home for Christmas which can mean that student homes become a target for burglaries. We advise students to think about where they store presents or expensive equipment and to not leave things on display in windows. If you have a good relationship with your student neighbours please pass on these messages. If you haven’t spoken yet, this friendly advice can be a great way of opening the lines of communication for the future and why not also keep an eye on the empty house over the Christmas period?

If you are affected by student behaviour and would like to discuss this then please contact Student Housing:

Tel: 02392 843214 

Monday, 26 November 2012

Kings Theatre Southsea Talk

A talk by Ron Hasker Chairman of the Kings Theatre Trust

Covering the early history of the Kings right through to the ongoing restoration and plans for the future

North End Library 3pm Monday 17th December 2012

Cosham Library 3pm Friday 11th January 2013

Free places available by booking at any city library

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Assets of Community Value - Policy consultation

I am writing to ask your views on our draft policy for determining buildings or pieces of land which are ‘assets of community value’ under the newly introduced Community Right to Bid (CRTB) legislation. 

Under the CRTB legislation, local community groups can nominate properties to be listed as ‘assets of community value’. Upon receiving the nomination from an eligible group, Portsmouth City Council will determine the nomination against the policy listed below. 

A property which is successfully accepted by the city council as an ‘asset of community value’ will, if being sold with a potential change of use, be subject to a 6-week interim moratorium period where only an eligible community interest group can buy the asset. 

Assets of Community Value - Policy consultation

I am writing to ask your views on our draft policy for determining buildings or pieces of land which are ‘assets of community value’ under the newly introduced Community Right to Bid (CRTB) legislation. 

Under the CRTB legislation, local community groups can nominate properties to be listed as ‘assets of community value’. Upon receiving the nomination from an eligible group, Portsmouth City Council will determine the nomination against the policy listed below. 

A property which is successfully accepted by the city council as an ‘asset of community value’ will, if being sold with a potential change of use, be subject to a 6-week interim moratorium period where only an eligible community interest group can buy the asset. 

If a community interest group ‘expresses interest’ in buying the asset during this time, a 6 month full moratorium period is activated, within which only an eligible community interest group can buy the asset. This will give the community the time they need to put a business plan together and gather the necessary finances to bid. 

The owner of the asset does not have to accept an offer from a community interest group, and after the full moratorium period has finished, can sell the asset on the open market to whoever they wish and at whatever price they wish. 

For more information on the Community Right to Bid process, please see the Department for Communities and Local Government non-statutory guidance
Portsmouth City Council’s draft policy is written below:- 

Suggested policy for defining social interests / well-being
When assessing nominations for inclusion on the Register of Assets of Community Value the City
Council will have regard to the following criteria:-

1. The extent to which the approval of the nominated site would enhance the social interests and social wellbeing of the local community because in its absence the local community would be deprived of land or a building that is essential to the special character of the local area, and provides:
    i. a place to meet and socialise, or
    ii. a place to shop, or
    iii. a recreational, sporting or cultural facility.
2. The definition of the extent of the local community will depend on the nature of the use and each case will be considered on its merits, with particular reference to the character and heritage of the local area, its community cohesion and its sense of belonging.

3. The City Council will have regard to the realistic prospect of the continued or future use of the asset, and in particular the commercial viability of the proposal (including the ability to raise funds) and the sustainability of that use.

The draft policy is also viewable on our Community Right to Bid webpage

You can email your comments to us at 

Alternatively, you can post your comments to us at: 
Community Right to Bid 
Planning Services 
Portsmouth City Council 
Guildhall Square 
PO1 2AU. 

Please make sure you get any comments to us by the 24th December 2012.

Monday, 12 November 2012


Immobilise is a free property register enabling users to create a secure record of personal possessions such as laptops, mobile phones, cameras and various other items. 

Protecting personal property is extremely important and registering it on Immobilise can assist in reuniting you with your possessions if stolen or in deterring an offender from stealing them in the first place.

Further information can be found on their website at
or see what Hampshire Police have to say about the scheme at

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Community Development Work - SEMINAR

30th NOVEMBER 2012
Landport Community Centre
9.30 Registrations
10 – 1pm Presentations and group discussions
Including Lunch

An opportunity for volunteers, unpaid workers and paid workers, who are involved in their communities; this could be helping out at the local community centre, youth club, working with children, young people and adults, helping to organise events and activities or being part of a group.

The Seminar will offer you the chance to:-

·        Network with like minded people

·        Explore the real meaning of Community Development and ‘community’.

·        Discuss the current developments within Community Development

The Seminar is FREE

We will try to do our best to meet any special support needs.
 Please inform us of any support or dietary needs you may require.

Places are limited

For more information and to book a place contact:-
Mary Vallely, Create Training, First Wessex, Wharf Road,
Portsmouth PO2 8HB
023 9289 6784 / 0777 541 0474

Tel No. 023 9289 6784     E mail

Electric Blanket testing 2012

3 sessions of Electric Blanket testing have been arranged and are being run by Portsmouth City Council Trading Standards

5th December Cosham Fire Station                                

6th December Salvation Army 84 Albert Road Southsea

7th December Age UK, 18 Kingston Road Fratton

All sessions are from 9:30am - 3:30pm

Bookings can be made by calling 023 9284 1298 or people can simply turn up on the day. (NB Bookings will take preference)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Community Development Work - SEMINAR

30th NOVEMBER 2012
Landport Community Centre
9.30 Registrations
10 – 1pm Presentations and group discussions
Including Lunch

An opportunity for volunteers, unpaid workers and paid workers, who are involved in their communities; this could be helping out at the local community centre, youth club, working with children, young people and adults, helping to organise events and activities or being part of a group.

Electric Blanket testing 2012

3 sessions of Electric Blanket testing have been arranged and are being run by Portsmouth City Council Trading Standards

5th December Cosham Fire Station                                

6th December Salvation Army 84 Albert Road Southsea

7th December Age UK, 18 Kingston Road Fratton

All sessions are from 9:30am - 3:30pm

Bookings can be made by calling 023 9284 1298 or people can simply turn up on the day. (NB Bookings will take preference)

Monday, 5 November 2012

Tracing Your Family Tree

 A talk by 
John Stedman 
Archivist at Portsmouth City Museums
Wednesday 5th December 2012 3pm 
Paulsgrove Library 
Free places available by booking at any city library 
For more details please contact John Stedman 
Tel. 023 9268 4699 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Healthwatch Coffee Morning

Come along for the first membership coffee morning on the 7th November at 10am in the Guildhall cafe.  We will buy you your first drink. Meet other members and share your views on what you think about Healthwatch.  We will be asking members what they think being a ‘member’ of Healthwatch should mean and how they want to get involved in the future. 

any concerns call 02392 688508

Healthwatch Coffee Morning

Come along for the first membership coffee morning on the 7th November at 10am in the Guildhall cafe.  We will buy you your first drink. Meet other members and share your views on what you think about Healthwatch.  We will be asking members what they think being a ‘member’ of Healthwatch should mean and how they want to get involved in the future. 

any concerns call 02392 688508

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Bus information roadshows

On 18 November the bus network in Portsmouth, Southsea, Waterlooville, Gosport & Fareham will be changing.

To find out how these changes may affect you, pick up new timetable guides and maps at the following sites:
� Asda car park, Waterlooville Monday 29th October, 0900-1600
� Lawrence Square, Gosport Wednesday 31st October, 0900-1600
� Podium Bandstand, Fareham Friday 2nd November, 0900-1700
� Commercial Road South, Portsmouth Thursday 1st & Saturday 3rd November, 0900-1600

You can also pick up timetables and maps from the following locations from Saturday 27 October:
� Portsmouth City Library
� Southsea Library
� Gosport Ferry Terminal
� First Travel Shop, The Hard, Portsmouth
� First Travel Shop, Gosport
� First Travel Shop, Fareham

Details and timetables of the new routes can be found at 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Christmas Patchwork

Come along for free a taster session of this traditional craft 

All sessions 1.30 – 4.30pm

Paulsgrove Library -
Monday 26 November 

North End Library -
Friday 30 November 

Cosham Library -
Friday 7 December

Free places may be booked at any of the Portsmouth City Libraries in person, by telephone or email.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Did you miss Local Democracy Week this year?

There has been a lot going on in Portsmouth this week as part of European Local Democracy Week.  If you've missed any of it, take a look at our brief summary and catch up on presentations on the UK and European parliaments; listen to the radio debate from HMP Kingston and see what young people have been up to in the Council Chamber.
School students with the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth

MEPs Catherine Bearder & Keith Taylor visit Portsmouth

Thursday, 18 October 2012

A public information event for families

Focus on Health: Living with Asthma and Allergy
Wednesday 28 November 2012,
University of Portsmouth,
Portland Building,

This event gives sufferers and their families the opportunity to hear from various professionals who will showcase the latest research, treatment and thinking around asthma and allergies. A scientist, a GP, a hospital clinician and representative from a patient support group will each give short talks and take questions. One in four people in the UK live with asthma and allergies, which means that almost every family has someone or knows someone who suffers, and the number is rising. All are welcome to attend.

Admission is free, but please register on
call 023 9284 3757
or email

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


  • Want to get free training in doing your own community research project?  
  • Want to get involved in improving local health and social care services in Portsmouth? 
  • Want to add some skills to your CV and develop your own example research project?

Healthwatch is running a completely free training course for its members, the first of which will be on the 25th October.  
The course is designed to help local people get involved in improving local health and social care services is part of the work to develop Healthwatch in Portsmouth.. 

Monday, 15 October 2012

A public information event for families

Focus on Health: Living with Asthma and Allergy
Wednesday 28 November 2012,
University of Portsmouth,
Portland Building,

This event gives sufferers and their families the opportunity to hear from various professionals who will showcase the latest research, treatment and thinking around asthma and allergies. A scientist, a GP, a hospital clinician and representative from a patient support group will each give short talks and take questions. One in four people in the UK live with asthma and allergies, which means that almost every family has someone or knows someone who suffers, and the number is rising. All are welcome to attend.

Admission is free, but please register on
call 023 9284 3757
or email

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Parent and Carer Board Open Meeting

Parent and Carer Board
Open meeting
Thursday 25 October
9.45am – 12 noon
Guildhall, Portsmouth

The Parent and Carer Board are a group of motivated and passionate parents and carers, working together with services to make decisions for children and young people.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Young People Kick Off Local Democracy Week Early

Yesterday afternoon young people from Portsmouth Youth Parliament and COPS (Council of Portsmouth Students) met in the Council Chamber to debate 'Why should I stay in Portsmouth?'. 

The Lord Mayor chaired the debate with Full Council rules and two parties were formed, RANT and RAVE.  
Great points were made by both sides and the articulate nature of those involved was a credit to young people in our great city.  A reason to stay!

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.

Click on 'Local Democracy Week 2012' for more information on the free events and activities available.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

One World Week

One World Week this year runs from 21-28 October.

The local programme is still being finalised but there a wide range of events taking place

Clicking on this link will give you an idea of what is being planned.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The News wants community views

Rory McKeown, a reporter with The News, is seeking community columnists who are willing to provide a thoughtful piece of around 250 words (that can either be dictated over the phone to him or sent in via e-mail) on anything happening in the community or within your group.

They want to focus on producing more local stories and need your help.  If you have any possible story ideas, events coming up you would like published, or general thoughts you want the community to know, please get in touch.  

This will coincide with the re-launch of The News, which is scheduled to happen in October.
You can either e-mail Rory directly at ( or use the general news email address

Rory McKeown
The News, Portsmouth
Senior news reporter
Tel: (023) 9262 2540

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

What are you doing in 3 week's time?

Why not spare some time to find out more about getting your voice heard at a local, national and european level? 

During this year's Local Democracy Week there will be plenty of opportunities to gain a better understanding of democracy in action. 

The week includes a debate from Kingston Prison, a chance to quiz your local MPs and MEPs, as well as a human right's lecture, university debate on baby boomers and some interactive online games. Click here to find out more and book onto the free events.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Budget presentation to Baffins forum September 2012

Health and Wellbeing Board - Q&A Session

26th September, 10:30am-11:30am, Civic Offices, Conference Room A

Your chance to put your questions to the members of the board after their next public meeting.  There will be a brief presentation and then board members will be available  to answer questions.  Come along to share your views or give your response to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy that is being developed at the moment.

The Health and Wellbeing Board will play a key role in the new local health sector and be responsible for some of the key decisions that will be made.

Any questions or concerns call: 02392 688508

Free Q&A Session with the Health and Wellbeing Board

26th September, 10:30am-11:30am, Civic Offices, Conference Room A

Your chance to put your questions to the members of the board after their next public meeting.  There will be a brief presentation and then board members will be available  to answer questions.  Come along to share your views or give your response to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy that is being developed at the moment.

The Health and Wellbeing Board will play a key role in the new local health sector and be responsible for some of the key decisions that will be made.

Any questions or concerns call: 02392 688508

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Local Democracy Week Unveiled

Do you know how to make your voice heard at a local, national and european level? 

During this year's Local Democracy Week there will be plenty of opportunities to gain a better understanding of democracy in action.

The week includes a debate from Kingston Prison, a chance to quiz your local MPs and MEPs, as well as a human right's lecture, university debate on baby boomers and some interactive online games.  Click here to find out more and book onto the free events.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Student and Neighbour Liaison Service

The Student and Neighbour Liaison Service can assist in problems which may arise between students and their neighbours. Maintaining good relationships with the community is very important to the University and they will take the necessary steps required to deal with any complaints that they may receive, along with continuing to inform students about how to be a good neighbour.

The Student and Neighbour Liaison Service work in partnership with:
·         Portsmouth City Council;
·         University of Portsmouth Students Union;
·         The University and Police Liaison Officer

As well as the Student Housing team they also have a Student Housing Community Officer. 

If you have new student neighbours this year why not introduce yourself? It can go a long way to building positive relations and makes any problems that you may encounter in the future easier to resolve.

If you are affected by student behaviour and would like to discuss this then please call Student Housing on 02392 843214 or email

Student and Neighbour Liaison Service

The Student and Neighbour Liaison Service can assist in problems which may arise between students and their neighbours. Maintaining good relationships with the community is very important to the University and they will take the necessary steps required to deal with any complaints that they may receive, along with continuing to inform students about how to be a good neighbour.

The Student and Neighbour Liaison Service work in partnership with:
·         Portsmouth City Council;
·         University of Portsmouth Students Union;
·         The University and Police Liaison Officer

As well as the Student Housing team they also have a Student Housing Community Officer. 

If you have new student neighbours this year why not introduce yourself? It can go a long way to building positive relations and makes any problems that you may encounter in the future easier to resolve.

If you are affected by student behaviour and would like to discuss this then please call Student Housing on 02392 843214 or email

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Join in the celebration of Black History Month

On Saturday 20th of October 2012
in the 
Friendship Centre, 
Elm Grove, 

There will be African dancing and drumming, 
gospel singing, 
community carousel, 
African and Indian traditional cuisine and 
information stalls from public organisations and community groups. 

Please click here to see the poster with more details.

Please spread the word amongst your communities, family and friends.