Friday, 23 March 2012

Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Document

Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Document – ‘Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs): ensuring mixed and balanced communities’ 

On Monday 26th March 2012, Portsmouth City Council will begin consultation on a new guidance document relating to houses in multiple occupation. 

This draft supplementary planning document (SPD) sets out how Policy PCS20 – ‘Houses in multiple occupation’ of the adopted Portsmouth Plan (the city’s Core Strategy) will be implemented. It explains how the city council will apply this policy to planning decisions for HMO use. 

The draft SPD will be accorded some weight as a material planning consideration when the council is determining applications for Class C4 HMO use, HMOs in sui generis use and mixed Class C3 /C4 use. This weight will increase following public consultation and the adoption of the SPD. 
Where can you see the draft SPD? 

The draft SPD is available: 
For a printed copy of the SPD, please call (023) 9283 4322 or email 

How can you comment on the draft SPD? 

If you would like to comment on the document, you can
  • write to - Planning Services, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth PO1 2AU, or
  • email: 

Please ensure that your comments are in by 5 pm on Monday 7th May 2012. 

The city council will consider your views when deciding on the final content of the document. Please note that any comments received will be made publicly available (although your contact details will remain confidential). 

If you have any questions about the information above, please do not hesitate to contact
Bev Lucas-Christiansen
Principal Planning Officer
Planning Services
Civic Offices
Guildhall Square

Tel:     023 9283 4322
Fax:    023 9283 4660

Local Priorities in Eastney

On Friday 16th March the Communities Engagement Team, in conjunction with the Eastney Neighbourhood Forum, asked 72 people who use the Eastney community centre what their priorities for their area are:   
We asked; “where would you spend your ‘Pompey Pound’ if you had an extra pound to spend in your area?”
This is what you said:

Friday, 16 March 2012

Hello from the Big Screen Portsmouth

On the Big Screen this March….  

Six Nations Rugby, 17 March The final three games of the RBS Six Nations Rugby will be shown on the Big Screen this Saturday: Italy v Scotland at 12:30, Wales v France 14:45 and finally, England v Ireland at 17:00. Who will be crowned 2012 champions?
Let's get ready to Zumba, 23 March, 12pm - 2pm Get your dancing shoes at the ready! Dig out those leotards! Whether you’re loving Zumba or just dying to try it, here’s your chance to get involved in Sports Relief 2012 at the Big Screen.

The Lost Hour at the Big Screen, 24 March, 6pm - 8pm The Big Screen will be showcasing locally produced short stories and poems from the Portsmouth Poet Laureate, the Portsmouth Writers' Hub and local residents who have taken part in the short story text challenge The full programme of events taking place as part of The Lost Hour across the city can be found here.

Trading standards news

Scam update:

The latest scam circulating at the moment is a letter claiming to be from a Private Investment Manager in China. Each letter will be addressed specifically to the recipient and is regarding the estate of a William .......... (each letter takes the Surname of the recipient).

Residents are urged not to respond in any way to this letter and to either forward the letter onto Trading Standards or to dispose of the letter securely.

The Devil's In Your Detail Campaign

Your personal information is valuable so protect it, is the main theme of the campaign launched by the National Fraud Authority, Telecommunications UK Fraud Forum and Financial Fraud Action UK.

The Devil's In Your Detail Campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of protecting personal information and remind the public to check that who they share their details with is genuine, whether this be on the phone, in person or online. The campaign encourages consumers to suspect anyone or anything they are uncertain about, to keep asking questions and to challenge or end an engagement if if feels uncomfortable.

A key message of the campaign is to keep SAFE:

Suspect anything or anyone you don't know - no matter what or who they claim to be.
Ask questions. Whatever a fraudster tries, you have the power to stay in control.
Find out for certain who you're dealing with. Challenge anything that seems suspect.
End situations that make you uncomfortable. If you feel threatened, contact the police.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Community SpeedWatch

Hampshire constabulary’s Community SpeedWatch campaign is taking off in the city.  The first volunteers are about to receive their training on the use of the speed monitoring equipment and will be out on our roads soon.

Community SpeedWatch allows members of the community to become police support volunteers and take action, helping the police to educate drivers on the roads of concern in your area.

SpeedWatch is not enforcement, it is education.  It is important to know that SpeedWatch now forms part of the police response to speeding issues.  It is the first tier in their response to dealing with this problem.  If a problem persists, they will escalate to tier two, meaning that enforcement can be undertaken by the police Safer Neighbourhood teams.

SpeedWatch is a community scheme that can only take place in 20mph, 30mph and some 40 mph limits or zones. 

The scheme will be managed by the police local Safer Neighbourhood teams but run by volunteers. Volunteers will use equipment that can monitor the speed of passing traffic and record the details, later adding them to a database. Vehicle checks will be undertaken by the police and letters will then be sent to the registered keepers advising them of the speed and reminding them of why it is a community concern.

We have a few application packs available from the community engagement team for anyone interested in joining an existing, or setting up a new, Community SpeedWatch scheme in the city or you can either contact your local neighbourhood police officer or email

"Is the price right? - The future of tuition fees and student funding"

Edited highlights of  "Is the price right? - The future of tuition fees and student funding"

Highbury College Question Time
Tuesday 28th Feb 12-2pm
Compass Theatre
at the College's, Cosham Campus.

James Sandy, Communities Engagement Manager, PCC

Panel Members:
•    Cllr Rob Wood, Cabinet Member for Children & Education, Portsmouth City Council
•    Dr Peter Starie, Associate Dean (Students) & Principal Lecturer in Politics, University of Portsmouth
•    Fran Taylor, University of Chichester
•    Godfrey Atuahene Jr, VP Education and Democracy from University of Portsmouth Students Union (UPSU)

Audience: Highbury College students

Each panel member was given 3 minutes at the start to outline:

•    A personal perspective
•    Key issues they feel need to be addressed
•    Questions they would like answered

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Have your say - Solent NHS Foundation Trust Consultation

Solent NHS Trust would like to hear your thoughts on their application to become an NHS Foundation Trust.

The consultation will run until 28 May 2012

To find out more and for your chance to comment:

  • visit their website at:  
  • call them on: 023 8060 8937
  • write to them at:
  •        Freepost RSRU-ARZH-ACBZ 
           Foundation Trust Consultation
           Solent NHS Trust
           Adelaide Health Centre
           William Macleod Way
           SO16 4XE
  • email them at: 

  • Want to know more?

    Thursday, 8 March 2012

    Trading standards news

    Latest news and updates from Trading Standards:

    ‘Boiler Room’ scam artists jailed:

    Energy Saving Device Scam:

    Loan company has their license revoked by the OFT:

    Digital Switch Over
    The digital switch over is underway across Portsmouth, be cautious of potential rogue traders targeting vulnerable residents, informing them they need new aerials or boxes.

    For consumer advice call: 
    0845 404 0506 or 
    0162 262 6520 
    and Minicom users can call 
    0845 128 1384.   

    Monday, 5 March 2012

    Speakers Confirmed for Milton Forum

    Milton Neighbourhood Forum this Wednesday will receive an update from both First Buses and Portsmouth City Council.

    Danny Johnson, Passenger Transport Officer, Portsmouth City Council, Sherisse Shelton-Smith, Business Manager (First Buses) and Ian Woodcock Staff Manager (First Buses) will give the latest information on proposed changes to the local 13/14 Service.

    There will also be a chance to learn more about plans for development at the St James Hospital campus. 
    Ted Griggs and Andy Strange from Estates & Facilities Management, NHS Portsmouth with Mike Allgrove, Assistant Head of Planning, Portsmouth City Council will attend to take your questions.

    The meeting will be held at Mary Rose School, Gisors Road (off Locksway Road), Milton on Wednesday 7th March 2012 at 7pm.

    All welcome.