Friday, 16 March 2012

Trading standards news

Scam update:

The latest scam circulating at the moment is a letter claiming to be from a Private Investment Manager in China. Each letter will be addressed specifically to the recipient and is regarding the estate of a William .......... (each letter takes the Surname of the recipient).

Residents are urged not to respond in any way to this letter and to either forward the letter onto Trading Standards or to dispose of the letter securely.

The Devil's In Your Detail Campaign

Your personal information is valuable so protect it, is the main theme of the campaign launched by the National Fraud Authority, Telecommunications UK Fraud Forum and Financial Fraud Action UK.

The Devil's In Your Detail Campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of protecting personal information and remind the public to check that who they share their details with is genuine, whether this be on the phone, in person or online. The campaign encourages consumers to suspect anyone or anything they are uncertain about, to keep asking questions and to challenge or end an engagement if if feels uncomfortable.

A key message of the campaign is to keep SAFE:

Suspect anything or anyone you don't know - no matter what or who they claim to be.
Ask questions. Whatever a fraudster tries, you have the power to stay in control.
Find out for certain who you're dealing with. Challenge anything that seems suspect.
End situations that make you uncomfortable. If you feel threatened, contact the police.

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