Wednesday, 14 March 2012

"Is the price right? - The future of tuition fees and student funding"

Edited highlights of  "Is the price right? - The future of tuition fees and student funding"

Highbury College Question Time
Tuesday 28th Feb 12-2pm
Compass Theatre
at the College's, Cosham Campus.

James Sandy, Communities Engagement Manager, PCC

Panel Members:
•    Cllr Rob Wood, Cabinet Member for Children & Education, Portsmouth City Council
•    Dr Peter Starie, Associate Dean (Students) & Principal Lecturer in Politics, University of Portsmouth
•    Fran Taylor, University of Chichester
•    Godfrey Atuahene Jr, VP Education and Democracy from University of Portsmouth Students Union (UPSU)

Audience: Highbury College students

Each panel member was given 3 minutes at the start to outline:

•    A personal perspective
•    Key issues they feel need to be addressed
•    Questions they would like answered

1 comment:

  1. Is it worth doing a similar debate now the NUS has called for a demo in November 2012?
